Official Monaize Meme Competition

4 min readNov 20, 2017


To make the best of this delay we have decided we are going to be running a meme and gif competition.

This is just one of the things we are doing in the community. If you are interested in getting involved in the chat on these things please check out our Telegram channel!

This competition will last until the dICO date is announced or 10 days from today, whichever is longer to give everyone who is interested ample time to participate.

The grand prize to one lucky winner is 250 MNZ tokens!

If you are interested in this come check out our Telegram channel which is where this will largely be taking place.


  • Only 3 entries per person
  • Send your three final entries into the Twitter sphere and tag us @MonaizeUk and then post in the Monaize Telegram group — additionally when the announcement is released you will have 2 days to message @Teamcrypton with your finalists, and your Twitter handle you posted them with.
  • You are free to post as many as you like on social media or in the Telegram group, but if you do not send your top 3 choices of your own creative work you will not be considered. The deadlines for this is two days after the dICO is announced or 12 days from this posting.
  • The meme competition will run until the announcement of the dICO or 10 days, whichever is longer.
  • GIFs are allowed as long as they are mostly safe for work
  • If you would like to change your submission please shoot @Teamcrypton a message in the Telegram channel — with your meme/gif submissions (Only 3) and the Twitter handle that you Tweeted it with.
  • If you don’t use Twitter, you may additionally post to Facebook and tag us in that but official participation will be limited to Twitter — please include this with your submissions on Telegram as outlined below.
  • You must have at least 30 Twitter followers for your submission to be considered.


  • Our community managers, James, Seb, and Flo, will be selecting one meme/gif per person — out of your top 3 memes to present to the team who when then vote on a best one that we will use regularly in our tweeting/posting.
  • Only one of your memes/gifs will be presented to the core team per person participating — if anyone is found to be submitting under multiple accounts we will disqualify them and shame them.
  • Then we will send our top 5 picks back to the community for final voting — if the poll doesn’t get any attention or traction there will be a decision made by the team.
  • “Points” and honorable mentions will go to creativity, execution and hilarity. TeamCrypton prefers cats and ‘I can has cheezeburger’.
  • If there is any defamatory memes or submissions they will be tossed from the submission pool and shamed relentlessly.
  • We reserve the right to disqualify people from the competition if they are mean spirited or posting memes that are not excellent


  • The prize of MNZ tokens will be issued after the dICO
  • The grand prize will be 250 MNZ tokens
  • The grand prize will go to the community and team favorite — Additional prizes may also be reserved based on the above criterion (maybe an honorable mention) — especially if we are split between the picks of the community versus the team picks.
  • The prizes will not be awarded to KMD or MNZ core team members though they may participate for the fun of it.
  • Only 3 memes from each participant will be counted. Anyone who does not submit their meme/gif within 2 days of the announcement of the dICO start date or 12 days from 11/20/17 at midnight GMT — will not be considered for judging.

More will come soon!

Now go get memeing!




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