Banking meets Blockchain

Monaize Token Sale: Banking meets Blockchain
2 min readSep 8, 2017

It is impossible to go a single day in the world of FinTech without hearing about the important role that blockchain will play in the future. However, whilst many agree that the application of this ingenious but simple technology is inevitable for all kinds of uses such as global payments, syndicated loans and KYC processes, blockchain is yet to make groundbreaking progress in the financial services industry.

Strategic Partnership with Komodo Platform

One way to accelerate innovation is by encouraging collaboration between traditional FinTech players and open source projects in the blockchain community. This is why Monaize has been working closely with Komodo platform, a project committed to developing blockchain solutions for financial services, to form a game-changing strategic partnership.

Team members from Monaize and Komodo Platform first met back in June at Money 2020 in Copenhagen, a 3-day networking event and conference which brings together prominent leaders from the financial services industry. A partnership was born immediately through shared values and the teams will be collaborating fiercely to push the boundaries of technological innovation for a more free and decentralised society.

Decentralised ICO

The first big innovation to arise out of this collaboration will be the world’s first decentralised ICO via cross chain atomic coin swap.

A number of recent token sales, conducted on well-known platforms, have fallen pray to attacks causing people in the cryptocurrency community to lose large sums of money. This decentralised ICO, the first of its kind, will be cutting-edge, allowing supporters to purchase Monaize tokens without any counter party risk. Issuance of tokens also requires minimum development meaning that Monaize will benefit from all the latest innovations from Komodo.

Having already developed a working product including mobile apps for both iOS and Android, funds raised during the token sale will be used for further platform development, allowing Monaize to integrate 3rd party services such as professional insurance, blockchain-based crowd lending and mPOS solutions.

Monaize also has an ambitious international expansion roadmap, with plans to launch on the U.K. market in Q4 of 2017 before launching Germany in 2018 and then North America, Africa and Asia in the coming years.

The Monaize token sale will take place in October. The official date and other information including a White Paper will become available shortly.

More information on Monaize can be found on our website at



Monaize Token Sale: Banking meets Blockchain

E-banking platform made with love for freelancers and small businesses. // Plateforme d’e-banking dédiée aux indépendants et aux TPE.