Whispers Into The Void

A Poem

1 min readJun 13, 2024
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Here I sit alone with my dreams.
Is it lucid, or is it elusive?
In its obscurity, no one will applaud me.
Almost succumbed to the belly of the unknown,
I see no light at the end of the tunnel.
So I hold my pen and scratch the paper the only way I can.
Traces of my thoughts and whispers of my wish,
I lay it bare but none will see the shift.

Maybe I am to blame for sewing my mouth,
and silencing my thoughts unprovoked.
No bruises, scratch, or tear
to explain this untold pain.
How do you speak
when all you want to do is scream?
I would soon whisper into the void and pray for the faintest echo.
Maybe that is the only comfort I deserve before I let go.

Thank you for reading my work. I hope this poem somehow resonate with you. Do you have any thoughts on this piece? If so, please leave a comment and let’s have a conversation! :)

Best Wishes,

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Currently learning how to write • Thoughts • Poetry • Stories