The man Called Donald Trump

5 min readJan 16, 2024


Donald Trump, born in 1946 in Queens, New York, is a former U.S. president, businessman, and media personality. Graduating from the University of Pennsylvania in 1968, he expanded his father’s real estate business, achieving fame through ventures like Trump Tower and reality TV show The Apprentice. Elected as the 45th president in 2016, his presidency was marked by controversy, polarization, and impeachment. Despite losing the 2020 election, Trump remains a influential figure in the Republican Party and hints at a potential 2024 run.

Trump’s presidency reshaped the Republican Party, deepened political divides, and challenged democratic norms. His “America First” foreign policy shifted global dynamics, impacting trade and international relations. Economic policies, like tax cuts and deregulation, marked his business-oriented approach.

Early Life

Family background

Born to Frederick and Mary Trump in 1946, Donald’s parents were real estate developers. His paternal grandparents were German immigrants, while his maternal grandparents hailed from Scotland. Trump’s family faced personal tragedies, including the loss of his brother Fred Jr. and more recently, his brother Robert to COVID-1.

Education and early career

Attending the New York Military Academy, Trump later studied at Fordham University and the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School. Joining his father’s company, E. Trump & Son, in 1968, he expanded the business into Manhattan, eventually becoming its president in 1974. His best-selling book, “The Art of the Deal,” was published in 1981.

Business Ventures

Real estate ventures

Trump’s real estate ventures include iconic buildings like Trump Tower and Trump World Tower. He owned beauty pageants, hosted The Apprentice, and faced challenges and controversies in his business, including bankruptcies and legal issues. In 2024, he announced plans to expand his Trump National Doral resort in Florida.

The Trump Organization

The Trump Organization, founded in 1927, serves as the holding company for Trump’s diverse ventures. Operating in construction, real estate, entertainment, hospitality, retail, and more, it has faced legal issues and controversies, especially during Trump’s presidency. The organization launched Trump Media & Technology Group in a new social media venture.

Successes and controversies

Trump’s business history includes successes like Trump Tower and The Apprentice, but also controversies. His ventures, from steaks to airlines, faced varying degrees of success and failure. His entry into politics in 2015 led to a controversial presidency marked by impeachment and polarization.

Entertainment Career

The Apprentice and its impact

The Apprentice, a reality TV show hosted by Trump, popularized business-themed reality TV. It boosted Trump’s public profile, his catchphrase “You’re fired!” becoming iconic. The show, while criticized for its portrayal of business ethics, inspired other similar programs and motivated viewers.

Trump’s celebrity persona

Trump’s celebrity persona began in the 1980s, amplified through media appearances and his role in The Apprentice. His outspokenness and controversial views contributed to his political appeal. Trump’s celebrity status played a pivotal role in his 2016 presidential campaign and subsequent presidency.

Political Journey

Entry into politics

Trump’s political journey began in 1987 as a registered Republican. Despite earlier flirtations with running for office, he officially entered the 2016 presidential race, securing the Republican nomination and ultimately winning the election. His “America First” policies reshaped the nation’s political landscape.

Presidential campaign and victory

Securing the Republican nomination in 2016, Trump’s victory marked a turning point in U.S. politics. Despite facing impeachment twice during his presidency, Trump maintained a loyal base. His refusal to concede the 2020 election and baseless claims of voter fraud further fueled controversy.

Key policies and initiatives

Trump’s presidency was defined by key policies, including tax cuts, deregulation, trade wars, and a conservative shift in the judiciary. His foreign policy focused on nationalism, withdrawing from international agreements, and brokering deals in the Middle East. The COVID-19 pandemic and handling thereof garnered criticism.


Major events and decisions

Trump’s presidency featured impeachments, controversial foreign policy decisions, and responses to crises like the COVID-19 pandemic. He withdrew from international agreements, imposed tariffs, and reshaped the judiciary with conservative appointments. His confrontational style polarized the nation, culminating in the Capitol riot in 2021.

Foreign policy highlights

Trump’s foreign policy was marked by withdrawal from international agreements, trade wars, and diplomatic deals in the Middle East. He pursued an isolationist stance, at times escalating tensions with adversaries while fostering diplomatic ties between Israel and Arab nations. Controversies surrounded his handling of global issues.

Challenges and controversies

Trump’s presidency faced significant challenges and controversies. Impeached twice, he encountered criticism for his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, withdrawal from international agreements, and his role in the Capitol riot. His unorthodox approach to foreign relations and trade also stirred debates.

Post-Presidential Era

Life after the presidency

In the post-presidential era, Trump continued to influence politics, refusing to accept his defeat in the 2020 election. His role in the Capitol riot led to a second impeachment. Legal investigations, including those related to his business and taxes, loom over his post-presidential life. Trump’s enduring influence on the Republican Party and potential 2024 run remain central narratives.

Continued influence on politics

Trump’s influence endures, shaping the Republican Party’s trajectory and political discourse. His refusal to concede, false claims of voter fraud, and the Capitol riot define his post-presidential narrative. As investigations unfold, Trump’s legal and political future remains uncertain.

Personal Life

Marriages and family

Trump has been married three times, with Ivana, Marla Maples, and Melania. His five children include Donald Jr., Ivanka, Eric, Tiffany, and Barron. Personal tragedies, such as the loss of his brother Fred Jr. and more recently, his brother Robert, have marked Trump’s family history¹²³⁴.

Personal characteristics and controversies

Public opinion on Trump’s personal characteristics is mixed, with perceptions of self-centeredness and prejudice. His handling of foreign policy, impeachment trials, and the COVID-19 pandemic stirred controversy and criticism. Trump’s unique persona, from his real estate days to the presidency, remains a subject of debate.


Trump’s legacy is multifaceted, marked by policy achievements, norm-challenging actions, and controversies. His impact on the Republican Party and political polarization is evident. Assessments of his presidency reflect both support for conservative policies and criticism for undermining democratic norms. Trump’s lasting

