How to start your self improvement journey when you have no idea where to start ?

Starting to improve myself was the best decision I ever made.

Lakshay Kamra
5 min readOct 3, 2023

Well, self improvement is a never ending quest that teaches lessons that stand million dollar 💰 value.

So, when I started my own journey, the only thing I wanted to know about was that from where I needed to start.

I was confused.

I was copying others.

That is why today, I am gonna tell you what to do first when you start your own self improvement journey.

Stay tuned!

First of all, don’t copy others

When I started my self improvement journey, I just started copying other people, started doing what other people did and eventually failed.

Copying others just makes one lose their own uniqueness.

I am telling you this at the start because unlike me if you practice the habit of not copying others from the start, soon you’ll stop copying others and start finding your own unique way.

So, the first rule that I ever made was to not copy anyone in any condition.

But also you need to maintain the balance between being teachable and just clearly copying.

So whenever someone tries to teach you, just take their advice and ask yourself “how you can blend it with your own uniqueness ?” and do it.

One another factor that forces people to copy others is that they don’t have the gut to stand alone, they just do what others are doing and stay with the others.

But what I say is have the confidence to do what comes in your mind and let the others follow.

Don’t pick too many hobbies

This is the mistake that I have been suffering till now.

So in the start, you need to avoid picking many things to improve yourself.

Remember, you only need three things to improve yourself, one that improves your mind, one that improves your phisyque and one that brings you money.

You need to avoid messing things up and should not start doing 6 things in one day.

You just need to pick 3 things that really benefit you physically, mentally and financially.

You don’t need to pick up unnecessary hobbies because they will just tire you up and will increase the chances of burnouts.

So, choose those hobbies wisely so that you don’t become too busy and also get out some time for yourself and your family and don’t become overwhelmed.

Get clarity of your what and why

In the start, the most important thing that you need is the clarity of your why and your what.

WHAT is just basically what you want to achieve and WHY is just basically why you want to achieve a certain thing.

Getting the clarity of these things will push you forward and allow you to suffer through those hardships and win.

So get their clarity now !

Learn, Learn, Learn

The worst mistake that I made in the start was that I didn’t learn.

I was not finding sources of getting knowledge.

I was a real fool who thought that he knew everything.

But now I realize that if you start consuming knowledge from the very start, you just take a step towards making the rest of your journey better.

There are many sources that can help you consume knowledge such as podcasts, books, free guides, e-books, free courses, youtube videos and the best the Medium blogs.

Many of these are available for free and can be accessed from anywhere.

All you need is a will to keep learning.

Work hard, be disciplined, find ways to improve

I know that for a newbie, these are a lot.

But I have 100s of lessons that I wanted to feature in this blog but for now, I am just featuring six as featuring more will make the article really long.

So the fifth thing that you need to do when you start your self improvement journey is become disciplined and work your ass off.

But the main mistake that I made in the start was that I worked too much hard that I didn’t get time to think and without thinking I was not able to improve my mindset. So cut off just 10 minutes in your day thinking about growing in your life in any area and find ways to improve. Cut off all the distractions and just think about growing and nothing else.

I know that working hard and staying disciplined sounds very difficult in the start, but if you can do that from the start, you will not have to waste months realizing it’s worth.

And if you want help to become disciplined then you can read the article that I have mentioned at the bottom of this blog.

Start believing in yourself and never give up

I can’t sit with people who quit after failing.

So this last section of the blog is just to tell you that you need to believe in yourself in those hard situations and never think that you’ll not achieve it.

You need to have faith in yourself that one day you’ll make it a reality.

You need to stop quitting after one or ten failures.

No matter how harsh those situations are just remember that you don’t have to quit.

Hope you liked this blog !

Don’t worry starting your self improvement journey is the best decision you’ve ever made.

If you want more help with self improvement then you can follow me !

If you want to learn some more about self improvement, then these blogs can help you :

Thank you for reading !

Have a good day !



Lakshay Kamra

A self improvement addict | Sharing everything I have learnt in 1 year of improving myself | Helping you avoid the mistakes that I made in my journey.