The 7 red flags that are stopping you from achieving your best self

Let’s break them down.

Lakshay Kamra
6 min readSep 28, 2023

So, I started my self improvement journey 1 year ago.

And in that 1 year journey I made numerous mistakes.

Here are the 7 mistakes from that large pot of mistakes that stopped me from attaining my best self.

Stay tuned !

Always thinking I am good

So, the first mistake that stunt me at one place and stopped me from becoming better was thinking that I am good.

Just the thought that I was enough stuck me at the same place

I think you need to have a look at this tweet I posted a few days ago on X(Twitter) :

Just the thought that I am not enough made me improve and in contrast if I would have just kept on thinking that I am enough then I would never have started to improve myself.

So, In order to become better and improve yourself you need to think that you are never perfect, you are never enough, you just need to improve more and more and become more and more better. That’s how you improve.

Playing it safe is the graveyard for those who want to improve

Not taking any risk is the biggest risk you are taking.

I was not taking any risk.

I wasn’t experimenting.

I wasn’t changing.

And this just stuck me at one place.

The main problem was that I didn’t have the guts to take those risks.

So how did I developed that gut ?

I just made this clear to myself that if I want to progress, I will have to experiment with new things and change accordingly. I will have to experiment, fail and then learn from failure if I want to progress.

Remember, the guts to take the risk is an asset if you want to become better.

So develop it.

Not identifying my weaknesses

So, the third red flag or the mistake that I was making was that I was not able to identify my own mistakes.

In order to grow one must know where he needs to put in the work.

Identifying your weaknesses will give you a direction in which you need to put your work if you wanna grow and get better. So in order to grow you need to work the most on your weaknesses and also enhance those present strengths that you have. This will help you grow your weak points along with those strong points which will just result in progress and betterment.

So, whenever you feel stuck in the same place, just try to identify where you are doing it wrong and find a way to improve that.

Remember the problem is half solved when you know what the problem is.

Same goes for the weaknesses.

So identify them and work on them but don’t forget your strengths too.

Lack of confidence

I wasn’t confident.

I hesitated every second I talked.

And this just resulted in more and more people rejecting me which transformed me into a brokie.

So in order to develop confidence, I needed to be sure of what I do.

Sureness gives birth to more and more confidence.

Self doubt only occurs when one just values other people’s opinion. So in order to stop valuing other people’s opinion, I thought about it the other way.

I just made this clear to my mind that these people are just here to bring me down, their opinion just doesn’t have any value for me. If I have to do something, I will do it, the opinion of others will never become a hurdle in me not doing what I want.

And with this mindset I went to meet new people everyday, interacted with them and put myself in challenging situations.

This just boosted my confidence level from 0–100.

Lack of self control

Lack of self control was the biggest mistake I made in my starting days.

Because of this I procrastinated, I was lazy, I had bad eating habits, I wasn’t disciplined. This just added some more and more bad points in my journey towards success.

So, In order to develop self control, first thing I needed to do was to convince my mind.

So how did I do that ?

Well, in order to convince my mind, I just made this thing clear to my mind that no matter what happens I am not gonna do anything that can stop me from achieving my best self.

After that it just required a little effort to resist those urges and boom I was standing there with full of control over my mind.

Not being clear

Well, no clarity is your enemy if you want to become better.

You need to be clear of what you want to achieve and why you want to achieve it. Take this as a fuel for moving forward towards success.

Rather than just clarity of your dream you need clarity of everything.

You need clear thoughts that you agree upon running through your mind.

Messed up thoughts just create more and more mess.

That is why you need to have it all cleared.

The clarity of certain things just makes you sure.

And being sure makes you confident, being confident just fuels some self belief in you and that self belief just fuels some patience in you which just lets you stay consistent in the journey.

Never being ready to fail

Well, there are only two main teachers in life :

  1. A real teacher
  2. Failure

As I didn’t have any real teacher in my self improvement journey, I started learning from failure. Every new failure just opened up a new opportunity to learn and grow.

Many people just fear to fail.

But I say, for just one time, try to learn from failure and see your progress. Soon, you’ll be addicted towards failing in many things.

Treat failure as an opportunity and not like a fear.

I did it and now I just cherish every single time I fail.

As a person, I would just tell you to avoid these mistakes while embarking on your self improvement journey.

Keep getting better !

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Avoid these mistakes and work on becoming the best version of yourself !

Good luck !

Have a good day !



Lakshay Kamra

A self improvement addict | Sharing everything I have learnt in 1 year of improving myself | Helping you avoid the mistakes that I made in my journey.