7 Steps to Create a Marketing Funnel that Delivers Concrete Results: A Comprehensive Guide

Ashton's Online Story
3 min readJan 9, 2024


In the ever-evolving landscape of online marketing, the ability to create a marketing funnel that not only engages but guides potential customers through their unique journey is crucial. A well-crafted marketing funnel can generate a steady stream of qualified leads and efficiently move them from awareness to conversion. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the seven key steps to create a customer-centric marketing funnel that delivers tangible results.

Understanding the Power of Marketing Funnels

Marketing funnels play a pivotal role in mapping the journey of potential customers through various stages, tracking efforts to attract, engage, and ultimately convert them. While sales funnels focus on micro-conversions leading to sales, marketing funnels prioritize lead generation, covering the entire customer journey from awareness to decision.

The Three Stages of a Marketing Funnel:

  1. Awareness Stage (Top of the Funnel — TOFU):
  • Introduction to the brand or product.
  • Goal: Attract new prospects through content emphasizing unique value proposition.

2. Consideration Stage (Middle of the Funnel — MOFU):

  • Meaningful engagement with the brand.
  • Goal: Provide valuable content, earn trust, and stand out from competitors.

3. Decision Stage (Bottom of the Funnel — BOFU):

  • Attention, trust, and relationship established.
  • Goal: Provide reasons and social proof for conversion.

7 Steps to Create a Customer-Centric Marketing Funnel

1. Understand the Customer Journey:

  • Analyze user buying behavior and nonlinear touchpoints.
  • Map the customer journey to comprehend product experience, pain points, behavior, and communication preferences.
  • Combine insights from various channels and teams to remove blockers and enhance customer experience.

Pro tip: Use tools like Hotjar’s Observe tools — Heatmaps and Session Recordings — to gain insights into user interactions and optimize the user journey.

2. Create Early Awareness:

  • Utilize outbound marketing techniques for brand promotion.
  • Address user pain points through channels like paid ads, influencer marketing, social media, and live events.
  • Actively listen to audience feedback using tools like Hotjar Surveys and social listening tools.

3. Develop a Content Optimization Strategy:

  • Conduct keyword research for each stage of the funnel.
  • Create topic clusters to build authority and rank higher for target keywords.
  • Benchmark against top-ranking results for content type, length, quality, and search intent.
  • Optimize URL, images, meta description, page title, and headlines.

4. Create Educational Content:

  • Offer explanatory blog posts, educational videos, and engaging social media content.
  • Tailor content for each stage, focusing on promotion emails, newsletters, and gated content.
  • Continuously optimize and update content based on user engagement insights.

5. Focus on Your Product’s Unique Selling Point (USP):

  • Highlight USP through case studies, attractive pricing models, and visually appealing product landing pages.
  • Optimize key product, pricing, and conversion pages.
  • Retarget ads, write competitor comparison posts, and gather product reviews as social proof.

6. Guide Users to Conversion:

  • Understand users through Hotjar Feedback tools and Session Recordings.
  • Implement CRO tactics such as money-back guarantees, free trials, and customer support chatbots.
  • Use user insights to optimize, rework, or remove elements hindering conversion.

7. Optimize Post-Purchase Experience:

  • Offer personalized follow-up messaging and emails.
  • Provide resources for product adoption and user satisfaction.
  • Use Hotjar Surveys and Feedback tools to gather post-purchase feedback and enhance customer support.

Fueling Your Marketing Funnel with User-Backed Insights and Systeme.io

A successful marketing funnel is the result of strategic planning, continuous optimization, and a deep understanding of customer behavior. By incorporating user-backed insights through tools like Hotjar and integrating the powerful features of Systeme.io, businesses can ensure their marketing efforts are not only targeting the right customers but also adapting to their evolving needs. Supercharge your marketing funnel, drive leads to your business, and propel them to conversion with Systeme.io, your all-in-one marketing solution.

Ready to elevate your marketing game with Systeme.io? Explore the features now and revolutionize the way you approach online marketing.

