From Zero to $26,310 in a Month: My Blogging Success Story Unveiled

Ashton's Online Story
3 min readJan 31, 2024

Hey everyone, welcome back to my blog, Ashton’s Online Story! I’m beyond excited to share a significant milestone — over $25,000 in earnings from my blog in just one month. As I record this income report, I’m still in awe of how my journey has unfolded since starting this blog less than three years ago. Join me as I walk you through the strategies, challenges, and the steps that led to this remarkable achievement. The purpose of writing this post because I want to share some inspirations to you and you can also make money online.

Dreaming Beyond the 9-to-5 Grind

Less than three years ago, I embarked on this blogging journey with a dream — a dream of breaking free from the monotony of a corporate job and creating a lifestyle that aligns with my passion and family goals. To be completely honest, my vision was to work from my sofa, earning more than I ever could in a traditional job setting.

The Low-Cost Entry to Online Business

Blogging caught my attention because it offered a low-cost entry into the world of online business. Unlike traditional businesses that require offices and expensive equipment, all I needed was my laptop. The only essential investment was in my domain and hosting, which, thanks to current options, could be as low as $3 per month…

