3 min readFeb 23, 2021

On FEBRUARY 4, 2021 in a Time Magazine article by Molly Ball, “The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election” Ball confesses,

“In a way, Trump was right.

There was a conspiracy unfolding behind the scenes…”

Then later,

“…a well-funded cabal of powerful people, ranging across industries and ideologies, working together behind the scenes to influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage and control the flow of information.”

A secret cabal of business leaders, law professionals, political operatives, and academics colluded to secure Biden’s victory before counting was complete, before the results were certain.

Sounds to me a lot like fascism and a soft insurrection…but anyone pointing out a ‘deep-state’ or cabal are simply labeled conspiracy theorists.

The pendulum is shifting though. Americans want the truth and they are not stupid, well most aren’t. The public was led astray by a mass propaganda campaign spanning decades. And really this is just the most recent manifestation, in a saga of conspiracy fact, which spans back to the beginning of barbarous dictatorships. The megalomaniacal, technocratic influencers of society have just gotten more crafty, secretive, and labeled themselves as humanitarians and philanthropists, like wolves in lamb skins.

Let’s get wokity-woke people! Always Peaceful and patriotically!

The government is not here to be your parental guardian or to give you free things. Our government here in America is designed to be limited and strong in its purpose to protect the people’s God given Freedoms, and maybe fill some potholes. This limited but strong government is restricted by the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights in order to make sure weasels are barred from secretly colluding to appoint politicians, or continuing to raise the peoples taxes, or enacting arbitrary regulations.

But the weasels have done their best to morph big gov with big business, big pharma and big tech, into an ugly totalitarian octopus, whose grasp of heavy influence includes both traditional and social media strongholds.

Whoever owns the media owns the message.

The people’s public square has been hijacked by a ‘good’ cabal — haha! And it increasingly leans Marxist — the road to communism (the necessary, further concentration power) further enforcing a technocratic oligarchy.

It’s time the people stop asking the government for free things.

It’s time We the People make it clear that we see forced shutdowns and lockdowns as acts of economic and social warfare, and we really don’t wanna go down that path!

In this world, where humanity has been ruled over historically by kings and dictators, religious cults and feigned socialists, freedom has been rare. So we must stand up for our freedom.

Each and every individual in society; as well as the entire republic’s collective, should be seen as equal. No one should be assigned more value over any other by illegitimate rulerships or mobs. Nor should cultural expectation be that the collective is more valuable than an individual’s rights…Lest we all be mediocre together in a ‘utopian dream’ that promises equity from debt which will run out the course of it’s ‘high‘ swiftly and crash into a dystopia that most Americans have no idea could be possible.

This is what waits for us if we drop the ball on this one soldiers.

Remember peacefully and patriotically, let your voices be heard✌️
