A hybrid financial future on steroids — real advisers and algorithms helping you keep the financial advantage!

MoneyRebel Platform
5 min readOct 24, 2017


A hybrid service/product platform, employing real and robo advisers is becoming the leading business model in the financial service industry. It is part technology, part people — and both are serving clients for the 21st century. As such it can be adopted in traditional, fiat and new, crypto economies. Lack of technology or people is the reason why most of the financial service providers in Europe cannot fully exploit the business opportunities arising with the increasing popularity of crypto economy. This is what Money Rebel is about to change!

The hybrid model is aiming into the middle between retail and ultrahigh-net-worth clients on one, and between fiat and crypto worlds on the other side. It is in the middle between new, completely digital providers, and traditional wealth management and advisory firms. It is evident that the hybrid model is actually the right model for the vast majority of people, so we chose it also for our Money Rebel Platform.

Just look at our business model, the sheer diversity and scalability the hybrid model gives us. We combine real and robo adviser, fiat and crypto — and pull all the financial services together, in one place, with banking as well. And the best part — 80% of content is adviser generated and another 80% out of what remains is artificial-intelligence-based!

We just need to combine it all and build our rebellious platform. Even though we will offer a wide set of financial services to clients for free, the platform itself will generate great returns for supporters. You can become one by joining our initial coin offering campaign at moneyrebel.io.

The MR Platform will collect data in real-time from the two worlds of the “traditional” fiat money and the “new” cryptocurrencies, and from individual accounts, held currently by financial institutions — and put the power of the data into the hands of the consumers, under training and supervision of live expert advisers and the newly developed robotic advisers. Because, you see — the secret lies in knowledge!

“The MR Platform recognizes the customer’s needs, and it constantly follows the rapidly-changing environment. 37% of European consumers are asking for up-to-date technology as well as asking for financial service offerings that are faster, less formal, more personalized, easy accessible and cheap,” says Money Rebel project adviser Danijela Vukosavljević, Ph.D., an Associate professor in the Scientific area of the Finances and Banking in Vienna, who served 22 years at various financial institutions; she had a role in growing and expanding Retail and Corporate Banking, overseeing Operations and Information Technology across 15 countries (NNetwork banks)) in Central and Eastern Europe, also including Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus.

And she emphasizes the importance of technological ubiquity, a fundamental property of the Money Rebel Platform: “On the other hand, the main benefit of the MR Platform technical architecture is the integration into heterogeneous system environments. The software can import information from mainframe transactions, enterprise applications and core banking systems. The MR Platform system will use existing systems and data sources to retrieve market, user, product and customer information to provide the user with a 360-degree overview of all his accounts on his Smartphone.”

Nowadays we hear a lot about sophisticated financial solutions. Almost all financial service providers — banks, wealth management and advisory firms, and even digital providers — need to provide an all in one solution for their clients. But in reality, most of them are just not able to deliver comprehensive financial services. I know this from my own experience, because we have had headache on a daily basis, dealing with a ton of information that we need in order to be able to give proper advice. We cannot expect from advisers to follow all the news and trends arising faster than ever before. With crypto economy working 24/7, 365 days a year, that goal is becoming impossible to reach without technology.

Banks are still struggling to find a technological solution to meet the challenges of a rapidly-changing environment. The MR Platform meets demand by being able to provide rapid access to critical information and the ability to act quickly and effectively.

Is robo a solution? No, just a part of solution!

Most of robo advisers are not able to offer any personalization. Without personalized strategy they are more in the business of mass production. This is done at high velocity — the client answers a few short questions and then they are put into a blend of pooled products. (By the way, I have somebody you can talk to!)

But without human touch … Technology helps both — advisers and clients

Clients are sometimes not sure why we pose so many questions, demand data and want to talk with them in person before giving advice. But — how can you provide sophisticated advice and personal financial plan without studying all the client and market data? On the other hand, It is very important to be able to show people, not just tell them. It is not like ‘I am the smart one and you do not have a clue.’ We need to have a structured conversation based on wide data sets and current results.

We need to have a structured conversation based on wide data sets and current results.

We, advisers need help from technology to be able to present a snapshot of all clients’ assets and all liabilities, so we can calculate net worth, which is the first step. And then we need to have it done fast, even before the consultation process begins. From then on, we need to talk about your goals, your plans for the future. What does your spending and savings plan look like, and how does that impact your arc of life all the way from now through retirement and beyond?

We need to help you answer tough questions, such as — what happens if you lose your working ability; what happens when you settle and form a family; and how do your spouse and children see and understand money? With data and questions in place, we can then design a proper plan and use technology to help us implement and monitor it.

Technology is important, but you cannot do everything through connecting data and algorithms; you also need to connect with people to have a conversation in order to understand life and financial choices in their arc of life. That is a part of it, and there is also an emotional part. No one should make financial decisions based on emotions, but all the research shows that people do that over and over again. And they lose — big time! They lose 3.5% annually, which means a difference between poverty and freedom.

Having a hybrid model in place enables us to find a solution for every client and keep that 3.5% annually for our clients. In an average investing span of 25 years that represents a galaxy of difference.

Now benchmark our approach with others. There is a massive difference! We just hope that people will recognize that and support us on a mission to bring the rebellious financial service platform to every European! Join the revolution and support us by contributing at presale.moneyrebel.io.

Mitja Vezovišek,

CEO and co-founder, Money Rebel

