Fiat adviser in crypto world? Money Rebel!

MoneyRebel Platform
3 min readSep 18, 2017


I will always remember the time when I got my first smartphone, an iPhone. I could not sleep all night; there were so many things I could do with just my phone! I immediately knew that these devices would change our lives … and business, especially in my, financial services industry.

Today, I do just about everything on my iPhone. A part of this text was typed on it, when I was waiting for my coffee and croissant at my favorite coffee shop, just across the street from my office at the Crystal Palace in BTC, Ljubljana. Of course, I use it for banking, investing, reading the latest news and chat with my colleagues. But what is really annoying is that I have to open a couple of different apps to send Euros to my Bitstamp account to buy Ether, participate in my next ICO crowdsale, or sell a portion of my ETF portfolio. Not to mention tens of web pages I have to visit just to read the latest news from traditional, fiat world, and another ten from the crypto world. I wonder, how do others feel when searching for financial information? Confused, desperate in their quest to achieve financial peace? No wonder people are prone to scams, pay high fees and are fearful, when others are too — and not the other way around as Warren Buffet teaches.

All-in-one, mobile, crypto and fiat worlds connected!
This is what we all want. This is what every person wants. To be able to receive, transfer, grow and manage his money with one single app. Crypto or fiat — both connected, for ease of use and faster, agile operation. Mobile platform, bank and investment accounts, all together. With help and guidance from real and robo advisers and virtual assistants, to assist us on our journey toward financial freedom.

Too good to be true? No, too good to be late!
This was one of the first feedback we got when we disclosed the Money Rebel project to a couple of our high-profile clients. It is true that we come from a small country at the heart of EU, but our vision is, big and we want to share all of our expertise with every EU citizen.

Have you heard of Iconomi, Hive or Viberate? They are all very successful crypto start-ups, and they are all based in Slovenia. Slovenia is one of the leading crypto communities in the world. We recently achieved the first Slovenian unicorn (Outfit 7 with the famous Talking Tom app and character), and we work hard to achieve another one, and another one and another one. If we dream big, work hard and stick to our values, Money Rebel has a vision that can bring us where we want to be in three years’ time. Here it is:

Money Rebel is a leading mobile platform for financial services in Europe in 2020. On top of its’ loyal user base that was built during a successful ICO crowdsale, Money Rebel is attracting new users and advisers with its suite of innovative, easy to use financial services. MRP Tokens are one of the most sought-after crypto assets, with a consistent increase in value, due to multiple revenue streams and growing profits.

Now you know. And you should also know that we are opening our pre-ICO invitation only to get first supporters on board. If you are curious — yes, I am a fiat adviser in a crypto world! That is what I am. Maybe among the first, but many will follow! If you want to follow us, check our project at

Welcome aboard!

Mitja Vezovišek

Money Rebel, CEO

