Frequently Asked Questions — 2017, November 6

MoneyRebel Platform
6 min readNov 7, 2017


What is the Money Rebel team doing right now?

We have already received enough contributions in the PREICO phase to start building the Money Rebel Platform right away. We have started to transfer part of the received funds to our arbitrage fund Money Rebel, where we will invest all funds above 1.5 million Euros. We are also working on extending our team!

When does the ICO (initial coin offering) start? Is that still 8th November 2017, as planned?

The usual approach would be to continue with ICO as planned, but after a long and careful deliberation with partners and advisers, we have decided to freeze the crowdfunding and give priority to development of our Milestone 1 — the Money Rebel Platform itself! The Team decided to reschedule the ICO phase to when the beta version of the Money Rebel Platform is available. That is foreseen to happen in Q1 2018.

How does rescheduling the ICO influence the project timeline and the milestones foreseen?

The project milestones and development timeline has not been changed. This means the Money Rebel Platform will be delivered in Q2 2018, and other milestones as planned and according to the results of the ICO. Unchanged roadmap is available at

How many supporters took part in the PREICO and how much did they contribute?

Until now 847 supporters contributed 2.127.418,36 EUR (cumulative, in BTC, ETH and EUR).

We will prepare a detailed report after PREICO is closed.

Are you changing any of the partners?

No, we are glad to have great partnerships established and we can respond to the market needs quickly. Our partners remain: Quintelligence, the extended arm of the Jozef Stefan Institute AI laboratory, who has references in Bloomberg, The New York Times, British Telecom and Microsoft Research. Quantum Project, the leading market maker, who brings institutional grade liquidity to cryptocurrency and digital asset markets. BitIns, the company whose mission is to provide people and businesses around the world with easy access to digital money technology. They operate a network of ATMs with the functionality to purchase Bitcoin and offer a quick and easy exchange from Euros into ETH or BTC and transfer them directly to Money Rebel wallet. And ABC Accelerator, the number one private acceleration group in the region, dedicated to the best entrepreneurs from all over the world. We were selected in the second batch of startups in the late 2015 and have their support since then.

When did you reach your soft-cap?

We reached our soft cap, which enables us to develop our 1st milestone, on Friday, 3rd November 2017 at 14:48 CET! PREICO is not over yet, so anyone can whitelist and contribute until 8th November 2017 12:00 CET at

What will the Money Rebel Platform — Milestone 1 — include?

The Money Rebel Platform will launch in Q2 2018, as promised. Before that, in Q1, we will offer a beta version to our supporters in PREICO phase. This will include the upgraded existing modules (MR Portfolio and MR Adviser), as well as state of the art design and UX experience. The Money Rebel Platform will offer:

  • Accounts with Payment Initiation Service Providers, PISP (according to the Revised Directive on Payment Services, PSD2)
  • Money Rebel Portfolio
  • Money Rebel Adviser
  • Electronic library
  • News feeds

The Money Rebel Platform will act as a unified single point of access and management to all financial information from banks, insurance companies, investment funds and exchanges (fiat & crypto). It will also provide news feeds from professional financial news services. The blood of the Money Rebel Platform will be the advanced crypto arbitrage investment fund Money Rebel, which will start generating profits immediately for the MRP token holders.

How will you use the contributions received so far?

We will invest 1.5 million Euros into development of the Money Rebel Platform, and the remaining part will be used for arbitrage fund, to increase the value of MRP tokens. We will post results and value of the fund publicly.

What was the main reason to set the ICO back for a short time?

The crypto world is highly dynamic, and we have noticed an obvious shift in ICO campaigns from whitepapers towards actual products. To be able to fully fund our project we have openly decided to develop and introduce our beta version of the Money Rebel platform for testing BEFORE we start with the ICO phase.

We are confident that giving our community an opportunity to test the usability of our concept and receiving valuable feedback will set ground for a successful continuation of our ICO campaign.

We believe that among the numerous ICOs happening right now only ones that have a real project, with real people and real product will be supported in full as the ones operating just on a whitepaper and marketing efforts will quickly fade away.

We do not want speculative money that flows in and out, just to say that we made it. We are seeking for a long-term support, a community that understands our vision and will support us on our mission to change their financial lives, and financial lives of millions of others.

Of course, development will take some time, but we won’t be starting from scratch. We will be upgrading already developed and functional parts of the Money Rebel Platform (currently named differently). Mainly the upgrades will include integration of the modules, preparing for scalability, improving security, connecting accounts to the platform, integrating API connectivity with existing bank and other accounts — the latter comes on 13th January 2018 with the PSD2 EU directive). We will also build a fresh new look with special focus on excellent user experience and ease of use.

What is your personal motivation to reschedule the ICO and not just go ahead with collecting the money?

Well, because we are different! We share values like integrity and independence. We teach our clients that one must spend money wisely and rationally. That is exactly what we will do with the money our supporters entrusted us. We do not want to throw hundreds of thousands of Euros into marketing campaign, especially not with the elevated or even exaggerated prices we see on the ICO market right now. We can do it differently and save that money for development and customer acquisition.

What happens now?

Immediately after the PREICO closes we will prepare a full report and enable our supporters access to their dashboards. There they will see the details of their contributions and the amount of allocated MRP tokens. Tokens will be tradable and listed after the ICO phase; instead of December 2017 we expect this to happen in early Q2 2018.

When can you start producing revenue?

Our arbitrage fund, where we will invest all funds above 1.5 million Euros, will immediately start producing yields. We can already confirm that we will be moving ahead of plan with development of PRO already in Phase 1. We will be adding some advanced strategies. The interest from investors in this segment has been far greater than expected.

What if I am not happy with the changes, and I want to pull my contribution out?

We are really honoured to be able to say that more than 95% of our supporters are here to stay, and support us in our decision. If anyone for any reason does not agree with our strategical move, please contact us. We will find a way to satisfy both parties.

Can I still support the project?

You only have time until 8th November 2017 at 12:00 CET to support us and guarantee yourself a free account. To participate with EUR, BTC or ETH, and grab your 15 % bonus tokens, visit — there you will whitelist your e-mail to receive a PREICO code!

When will the MRP tokens be generated and how many?

The MRP tokens will be generated a couple of days after 28th November 2017, as we promised. There will be 904,000,000 tokens generated, but we will burn some, depending on the amount of raised funds and bonuses, at the end of the ICO. We will distribute the ones that belong to contributors, the bonus tokens, and tokens for the team. We will lock other tokens that need to be available for the final ICO phase. When the ICO phase is over, we will burn the tokens that need to be burned (904,000,000, minus the tokens delivered to contributors and the team).

When will I receive the MRP tokens?

If you (will have) contributed during the PREICO phase, you will receive them a couple of days after 28th November 2017 and they will be locked with a smart contract until end of ICO. But, after PREICO closes (8th November 2017 at 12:00 CET) you will have access to your Dashboard, where you will see how many tokens belong to you.

Where can I follow your activity on a daily basis?

For the up-to-date project overview, visit, you can always follow our important posts at Facebook, Twitter, and we like to hang around in our Telegram chat channel a lot! Also, do not miss a debate about Money Rebel in the Bitcointalk forum.

