MoneyRebel ICO final report

MoneyRebel Platform
3 min readMay 18, 2018


Our ICO closed on May 15th, 2018, at 13.00 UTC. MoneyRebel is on a mission to build a financial platform that will provide customers with numerous digital tools and the know-how to manage and grow all their personal financial assets. But we have now obtained a few new missions. But let’s go step by step — first, the final report after the ICO.

PRE-ICO: October 3rd, 2017 — November 8th 2017
ICO: May 8th 2018 — May 15th 2018
Funds raised: € 3,259,097.69

Total funds contributed

We have received a total of 3,259,097.69 EUR from 1,476 contributors, which is an average of 2,208.06 EUR per user.

Number of contributors per currency

There was strong support to be noted from both crypto and fiat currency world, although it ended up being a tad stronger from the fiat segment of contributors.

Euro — 1040 contributors
Ether — 341 contributors
Bitcoin — 113 contributors

Contribution per currency

Fiat raised: 1,798,265.00
Ether raised: 1,276.066
Bitcoin raised: 25.257

Even if we raised a lot of founds from fiat supporters, we didn’t collect euros as such, but we instead enabled all the fiat supporters to easily exchange their funds from fiat to ETH. After the exchange, we sent all funds to our MR ICO wallet.

Average contribution per currency/contributor

Bitcoin raised: 0.2235
Ether raised: 3.7421
Fiat raised: 1,729.10

Contributors’ profile

A lot of people showed an interest in supporting our project, with 2,822 supporters starting the KYC process. At the end, the number of approved KYCs (know your customer identification process) stopped at 1,616 supporters, and most of them (1,476) became a MoneyRebel contributor. That is more than 90 %!

We are also excited that contributions came from 53 different countries all over the world.

We know that the period between PRE-ICO and ICO was fairly long, but on the other hand, ICO lasted only one week!

What’s next? We are on our way to launch the first version of the platform by 1 July 2018 and onboard additional advisors that will use the platform for managing their clients’ assets. We have already signed more than 15 advisory houses with many users coming to our platform from 1 July. You can see why they joined us HERE.

However, even before that, we will list our MRP token on an exchange. We already received questions from latecomers where they can buy our tokens and the answer is that they will be available on an exchange when listed. Listing is coming at the end of May and we will officially publish the date and the name of the exchange on our Telegram. So, stay in touch and join our community on Telegram HERE.

Your Money Rebel Team

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