Soft cap reached! Team starts upgrading Money Rebel Platform!

MoneyRebel Platform
4 min readNov 6, 2017


Dear supporters,

A big thank you to all who have contributed more than 2,000,000 Euros in the PREICO phase of Money Rebel Crowdfunding event and making Money Rebel project a reality. The 2 million Euros mark has been surpassed on Friday, 3. 11. 2017 at 14:48 CET. Our team started upgrading the existing parts of Money Rebel right away to introduce the platform in Q1 2018. Then we will continue with ICO campaign.

The usual approach would be to continue with ICO as planned, but after a long and careful deliberation with partners and advisers, we have decided to freeze the crowdfunding and give priority to development of our Milestone 1 — the Money Rebel Platform itself!

The crypto world is highly dynamic, and we have noticed an obvious shift in ICO campaigns from whitepapers towards actual products. To be able to fully fund our project we have openly decided to provide the market with an operating beta version of the Money Rebel Platform BEFORE we start with the ICO phase. We are confident that giving the community an opportunity to test the usability of our concept and receiving valuable feedback will set ground for a successful continuation of our ICO campaign.

We believe that among the numerous ICOs happening right now the only ones that have a real project, with real people and real product, will be supported in full, as the ones operating just on a whitepaper and marketing efforts will quickly fade away.

Of course, the development will take some time, but we won’t be starting from scratch. We will be upgrading the already developed and functional parts of the Money Rebel Platform (currently named differently). Mainly the upgrades will include integration of the modules, preparing for scalability, improving security, connecting accounts to the platform, integrating API connectivity with existing banks and other accounts (the latter comes on 13th January 2018 with the EU Revised Payment Service Directive, PSD2) and build a fresh new look with special focus on excellent user experience and ease of use.

A decision to freeze crowdfunding was hard to make. But why did we decide to postpone the ICO?

Well, because we are different! We share values like integrity and independence. We teach our clients that one has to spend his money wisely and rationally. And that is exactly what we will do with the money our supporters entrusted us. We don’t want to throw hundreds of thousands of Euros into a marketing campaign, especially not with the elevated or even exaggerated prices we see on the ICO market right now. We can do it differently and save that money for development and customer acquisition.

In fact — we don’t want speculative money that flows in and out, just to say we made it! We are seeking long-term support, a community that understands our vision and will support us on our mission to change their financial lives as financial lives of millions of others.

What now?

Immediately after PREICO closes we will prepare a full report and enable our supporters to access their dashboards. There they will see the details of their contributions and the amount of allocated MRP tokens. Tokens will be tradeable and listed after the ICO phase; instead of December 2017 we expect this to happen in early Q2 2018.

Our arbitrage fund MR, where we will invest all funds above 1,5 mio Euros, will immediately start producing yields. We can already confirm that we will be moving ahead of plan with development of the PRO version already in Phase 1, adding some advanced strategies in crypto and fiat worlds. That is because the interest from investors has been far greater than expected.

Finally, we will strengthen our executive team, with major announcements coming soon.

We are really honoured to be able to say that more than 95 % of our supporters are here to stay and support us in our decision. If anyone, for any reason, does not agree with our strategical move, please contact us and we will find a way to satisfy both parties.

PREICO is not over yet, so anyone can whitelist and contribute until 8. 11. 2017 12:00 CET. You only have 48 hours or less remaining to support us and guarantee yourself a free account. To participate with EUR, BTC or ETH, and grab your 15 % bonus tokens, visit and contribute.

We are super excited that we can start upgrading the Money Rebel Platform right away!

Be part of REBELlious future!

Mitja Vezovišek, CEO and co-founder

