You can decide which changes we should bring to the MR platform first!

MoneyRebel Platform
3 min readSep 21, 2018


At the end of last week, the final round of the MoneyRebel platform testing was completed, and our IT team started updating and preparing the application for official launch. At the time of testing, those who tested and submitted the report also made a number of suggestions that we were happy to review. You gave us a few challenges, including quite a few that we want to make happen, but some updates will come sooner, and some later on.

Članek je na voljo tudi v slovenščini TUKAJ.

On this point, we decided to once again ask for your help to choose those priority updates that will be available when the MoneyRebel platform officially launches. Some updates will have to wait for the next update cycle.

What do you need to do? Read the suggestions we’ve collected from you, then click on the link below and vote for the suggestions that you think should be among the first updates. Out of the total 13, you can select up to 5 suggestions.

  • Simplification of registration: In the test phase, the email address and phone number were required for registration. You have suggested that we use only one of the options for the registration — a valid email address.
  • Video Instructions: You have expressed the desire to prepare video instructions to make the platform even easier to use.
  • Notifications: Your suggestion was to receive a notification when you receive a message in the MoneyRebel application, and that a click takes you directly to the communication center, instead of the home page.
  • Sending and Receiving Messages: During the testing process, we encountered some of the challenges when downloading and opening attachments and links.
  • Double secured MR wallet: MR wallet has two failsafes — you must store a password that can not be reset, and you must also store mnemonics. If you lose either of these two things, your wallet is lost.
  • Option to chat with several advisors: In the testing phase, it was proposed that before a user decides on an advisor, they should have the opportunity to chat and get to know several of them.
  • Bigger text box: Some would have bigger buttons, some would move them to another location, but one of the more concrete suggestions was to make the text box bigger.
  • Functionalities separated by colours: The request was made for the application to be clearly separated (by color or otherwise) by functionalities: a portfolio, a wallet, and so on.
  • Legend: A suggestion was made that a legend of communication status be added to the communication center (formerly inbox).
  • Changing the buttons: With the aim of providing a more user-friendly experience, we also received a suggestion that the buttons change color when clicked, so that the user knows when they were activated.
  • Error definition: An ERROR warning was displayed in case of a possible error during the testing phase. The testers suggested that such errors should be more specifically defined in order for the user to know what is happening.
  • Personalized background: The option of personalizing the background of the application and a store for such wallpapers.
  • Evaluation of advisors: A user gives a positive or a negative assessment of their advisor, but if the user becomes more (less) satisfied with the advisor’s services, they may want to be able to change it.

These are the suggestions, and now it’s time to vote. Among all of those who vote, we will choose 3 to receive 2,500 MRP tokens each! And don’t forget, even though we would also like that all updates could be immediately realized, you can only select up to 5 suggestions you think are most vital. You only have until Thursday, 27 September 2018.

You can vote HERE.

If you have any questions, we are always available to you at

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