How to Build a $500/Day Blog Empire with AI Assistance

How AI Can Help You Create a Highly Profitable Blog in Record Time

Money Tent
6 min readMar 19, 2024

How I Built a $500/Day Blog Empire Using AI

I’m going to share with you a step-by-step tutorial on how I created an affiliate marketing blog that generates $500 per day, and the best part is, I only spend 10 to 20 minutes a day managing it. The secret sauce? Leveraging the power of AI. I know this is a lengthy guide, but I promise if you’re a beginner and you follow along till the end, you’ll have your blog up and running, with a content plan for the next six months to a year, and a solid monetization strategy in place.

To prove that what I’m about to show you actually works, take a look at this 90-day traffic window from my personal blog. About 30 days ago, I started implementing the AI-powered strategies I’m about to teach you, and as you can see, there’s a massive spike in keywords I’m ranking for and organic traffic. This is all thanks to the AI-driven approach I’ve adopted.

We strongly recommend that you check out our guide on how to take advantage of AI in today’s passive income economy.

Step 1: Choosing a Host and Domain

To create any blog, you’ll need two things: a host and a domain. A hosting account is where all your blog’s information, articles, and data live on the internet, allowing people to access them anytime. A domain is your website’s address, like

After extensive research, I’ve found that Hostinger is the best option for beginners. It’s user-friendly, budget-friendly, and offers excellent support. I’ll provide a link below so you can get started with Hostinger. Once you’re on their website, choose a plan that fits your budget. The 12-month plan is a great option, as it comes with a free domain.

Next, you’ll need to create a password for your Hostinger account. Once you’re in your dashboard, click “Skip” to start from scratch. Then, claim your free domain by entering your desired blog name. If your first choice isn’t available, keep trying until you find one you like. I recommend sticking with .com or .co domains, as they tend to perform better.

Step 2: Installing WordPress and Customizing Your Blog

Now that you have your hosting and domain set up, it’s time to install WordPress, which is essentially the backbone of your website. WordPress is a content management system (CMS) that provides the basic structure for your site, including things like menus, logos, and pages.

In your Hostinger dashboard, go to “Auto Installer” and select WordPress. Fill out the required information, including your website title and email address. Once the installation is complete, you can access your WordPress dashboard by going to

Before we start customizing, head to the “Plugins” section and delete any pre-installed plugins, as we’ll be adding our own later. Now, let’s choose a theme for your blog. I recommend using Astra, a free, highly customizable theme. Go to “Appearance” > “Themes” > “Add New,” search for Astra, and install it.

With Astra installed, go to “Appearance” > “Customize” to start tailoring your blog’s look and feel. Update your homepage settings to display your latest posts, remove any unnecessary menu items, and create a logo using a tool like Canva. Don’t forget to set your blog’s color scheme, typography, and layout to ensure readability and visual appeal.

Step 3: Finding Content Ideas with AI

Now that your blog is set up, it’s time to start creating content. But how do you know what to write about? This is where AI comes in. I use a tool called Ahrefs to find low-competition keywords that have the potential to rank well on Google.

Start by entering a seed keyword related to your niche in Ahrefs’ Keywords Explorer. For example, if your blog is about making money online, you could enter “make money.” Then, go to the “Matching terms” report and apply filters to find low-difficulty keywords with a decent search volume. I typically look for keywords with a keyword difficulty (KD) of 20 or less, a search volume of at least 50 per month, and a minimum word count of three.

After applying these filters, you’ll have a list of long-tail keywords that you can target with your blog posts. Add these keywords to a list in Ahrefs, as they’ll serve as your content plan for the coming months.

Step 4: Crafting Blog Posts with AI Assistance

With your content ideas in hand, it’s time to start writing. You have three options: hire a writer (expensive), write the articles yourself (time-consuming), or use AI to generate high-quality content quickly and affordably. I opt for the third option, using a tool called Anyword.

Anyword allows you to input your target keyword, and it will generate a well-structured, SEO-optimized blog post in minutes. Simply provide the tool with your keyword, a brief description of the article, and your target audience. Anyword will then generate a title, outline, and the full article content.

I aim for articles between 2,000 and 2,500 words, as longer content tends to perform better in search engines. Once the AI has generated your article, copy it into your WordPress editor and format it with headings, images, and any additional information you’d like to include.

Step 5: Monetizing Your AI-Powered Blog

Congratulations! You now have a fully functioning blog with high-quality, AI-generated content. But how do you turn this into a profitable venture? There are three main ways to monetize your blog: affiliate marketing, building an email list, and product reviews.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing involves promoting products or services within your content and earning a commission when a reader makes a purchase through your unique affiliate link. To find relevant products, I use a platform called ClickBank. Simply search for offers in your niche, select one that aligns with your audience’s interests, and grab your affiliate link.

To integrate your affiliate links, add a “Columns” block in your WordPress editor, just below the featured image. Create two columns, each containing a short description of the product and a button with your affiliate link. This way, readers will see these offers before diving into your content.

Building an Email List

An email list is one of the most powerful assets for any online business. By capturing your readers’ email addresses, you can build a direct line of communication and promote products, services, or your own offerings. To create an email opt-in form, I use a free plugin called Brave and connect it to my email marketing service, ConvertKit.

Design an attractive opt-in form offering a free resource, such as an ebook or checklist, in exchange for the reader’s email address. You can create this resource yourself or outsource it on platforms like Fiverr. Once your form is set up, readers who subscribe will automatically be added to your email list, allowing you to nurture the relationship and promote relevant offers.

Product Reviews

Finally, you can monetize your blog by writing product reviews and including affiliate links. To find products to review, look for competitors in your niche using Ahrefs. Enter their domain in the Site Explorer, go to the “Organic keywords” report, and filter for keywords containing “best.” This will give you a list of potential products to review.

Create in-depth, honest reviews of these products using AI tools like Anyword, and include your affiliate links within the content. As your reviews start ranking on Google, you’ll earn commissions from readers who make purchases based on your recommendations.


And there you have it — my complete guide to building a $500/day blog using the power of AI. By leveraging tools like Hostinger, WordPress, Ahrefs, and Anyword, you can create a profitable blog with minimal time and financial investment.

Remember, success won’t happen overnight. It takes consistent effort and patience to see results. Focus on creating high-quality, AI-generated content that targets low-competition keywords, and implement the monetization strategies I’ve shared.

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Money Tent

Money Tent offers cutting-edge online money-making strategies for beginners to leverage before they lose their appeal. 🤑