how to effectively set up Google Analytics for a real estate agency website

Money Tent
6 min readAug 4, 2022



If you have a real estate agency website, you probably already know that Google Analytics is the end-all and be-all of web analytics. It’s one of the most popular tools for understanding how visitors are interacting with your site, and it’s free! In this post, I’m going to share some tips on how to set up Google Analytics for a real estate agency website so that you can get even more insight into how people interact with your site.

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How to Set Up Google Analytics for Your Agency’s Website

Google Analytics is a free tool that helps you understand how visitors to your site are finding it, what they’re doing, and how they’re interacting with it. It also provides information about their path through the site and where they stopped.

Google Analytics can track:

  • Traffic sources (i.e., search engines on which keywords for your business appear)
  • Referrals from other websites onto yours; this includes both social media referrals as well as organic traffic from non-direct sources like search engines or email campaigns
  • Unique users who visit specific pages on your website; this allows you to track how many people saw an ad campaign before clicking through to another page within an ad group/page group

Google Analytics can record time spent on pages and even measure engagement with videos and other rich media elements (e.g., how long someone played a video). It provides information about specific demographics, such as age or location, and information about user behavior in relation to your site (like clicks per visit). Google Analytics also provides insights into how well your marketing efforts are working by tracking click-through rates.

Implementing a Goal Funnel

A Goal Funnel is a series of steps that you take to achieve a business goal. For example, if your website is about selling properties in Florida, then the first step would be to start by finding properties in Florida and then listing them on your website.

The next step would be to find people who are interested in buying homes in Florida and then contact them via email or phone calls until they decide whether or not they want to buy a home from you! You can also use social media platforms like Facebook Groups etc., but this will not ensure success because it relies only on word-of-mouth marketing strategies which work well when used properly; however there isn’t much data available about which methods actually work best for real estate agents who sell lots of homes at once (i.e., more than one per month).

A Goal Funnel is an important part of your website because it helps you understand how people find you and what they do when they’re there. The first step in setting up a Goal Funnel is to determine what your goal is: do you want users to buy houses, sign up for newsletters, or just learn more about real estate? Once you know what your goals are, then it’s easier than ever before! For example, if the goal of your site is to sell houses then we would want to set up one funnel for each step in the process:

-The first step would be to find people who are interested in buying homes in Florida and then contact them via email or phone calls until they decide whether or not they want

-The second step would be getting them to fill out an application form so we can start working on their paperwork.

-The third step would be contacting them again once we have all of the necessary information (like financial details) so they can sign on the dotted line with their real estate agent!

  • This process takes time and effort, but it is worth it if you want to increase sales by 10% or more every year.

Tracking Paid Ad Conversions

Tracking paid ad conversions is vital for a real estate agency website.

  • How to track paid ad conversions:

You can track the number of times that your ad was clicked on, and how much money it brought in. This will help you determine which ads are working best for your business.

Tracking your paid ad conversions is an important part of any marketing strategy. It allows you to measure the effectiveness of your efforts and determine where improvements need to be made. As a result, it can help you improve your overall marketing strategy.

Here’s a quick guide on how to set up tracking code for paid ad conversions:

1. Navigate to the “Conversions” tab under your Google Ads account.

2. Select the ad group you’d like to track and click “Sharing & Permissions”.

3. Click +Add people or domain, enter their email address, then select View only to grant access.

You can effectively track your lead generation through analytics and make informed decisions based on the data.

The analytics from Google Analytics are an excellent tool for measuring the success of your marketing efforts. You can use them to optimize your website, measure lead generation, and improve overall business performance.

Using analytics effectively will help you see how visitors arrive on your site, what kind of content they prefer, who they contact first when contacting you (if anyone), and whether their behavior changes over time as they get more familiar with the site and its features.

By understanding what drives traffic to a particular page or blog post — and then using this data in conjunction with other sources such as SEO rankings or organic search engine optimization — you’ll be able to make informed decisions about how much time is spent on each page based on visitor behavior rather than just counting visits themselves.

Analytics are an invaluable tool when it comes to measuring the effectiveness of your marketing efforts. They provide insight into how visitors reach your website, what type of content they engage with most often, which pages attract their attention first and last, and whether or not their behavior changes over time as they get more familiar with the site and its features.

Building a strong online presence for your real estate agency isn’t just about creating an attractive website; it’s also about understanding how visitors interact with the content they find on this site. Analytics can be used to analyze data and determine which pages are being visited most often or where visitors go after visiting one particular page. If you are attempting to drive traffic down specific paths in order to increase conversion rates and improve lead generation, then analytics should be utilized.

Google Analytics is a powerful tool that allows you to track the performance of your website. If you’re not using this system, then it’s time to start. The analytics dashboard provides insights into how visitors interact with your website, what type of content they engage with most often, and which pages attract their attention first and last. If you’re trying to drive traffic down specific paths in order to increase conversion rates and improve lead generation.


I hope you’ve found this post helpful and that it will encourage you to set up Google Analytics for your real estate agency website. It’s one of the best ways to track performance and make informed decisions about what works, what doesn’t, and why. If you have any questions or comments, please let me know below!



Money Tent

Money Tent offers cutting-edge online money-making strategies for beginners to leverage before they lose their appeal. 🤑