How to sell Canva Templates on Etsy to make Passive Income

Unveiling the Art of Building a Profitable Canva Template Empire with Passion and Precision

Money Tent
5 min readDec 7, 2023

Today, I’m about to spill the secrets of my two-year journey, dancing in the realm of Canva templates on Etsy.

Picture this: a world where your designs become not just static pieces but living, breathing canvases that others can shape and mold. Join me as we dive into the nuances of crafting, selling, and succeeding in the captivating universe of Canva templates.

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Embarking on the Canva Odyssey

Imagine, if you will, a blank canvas waiting to burst into life. That’s Canva for you — the playground of design where dreams take shape.

My journey begins here, crafting templates that aren’t just visually stunning but also seamlessly customizable. From journals to Instagram posts, the possibilities are as vast as the creative landscape itself.

In this artistic adventure, it’s not just about creating a template; it’s about understanding your audience. What moves them? What sparks their imagination? Your creation is a bridge between their dreams and reality, so ensure your design is not just aesthetically pleasing but user-friendly.

Crafting the Canva Symphony

The first step in this symphony of creation is the meticulous crafting of your Canva template. Imagine it as a melody — you want it to resonate with your audience.

Dive into Canva, my dear friend, and let your creativity flow. From fonts to colors, every element should be a note in the masterpiece you’re about to create.

Remember, a successful template is not just about appearance; it’s about functionality. Make it easy for users to drop their images, tweak text, and play with colors. This is your chance to be the composer of an artistic experience, guiding them through the creative process.

A PDF Tale: The Delivery Drama

Now, here comes the twist in our tale — a separate PDF. Why, you ask? Well, Etsy has its quirks, and it loves its digital files in PDF form.

So, I craft a document that not only delivers the Canva template link but also adds a touch of elegance. A little mock-up, a click-to-action button — this PDF is the opening act to the symphony your customers are about to play.

As you create this document, think of it as setting the stage. A beautiful introduction to the main event — it’s the anticipation that adds flavor to the experience.

Canva Template Link: The Magic in the Strings

Ah, the magic lies in the link — the Canva template link, accessible only with the wand of Canva Pro. Invest in it, my friend, for it opens doors to a world of possibilities.

Copy that link, paste it into your PDF, and voila! This is where your template transcends from a creation to an interactive experience.

The beauty of Canva Pro is that changes you make in the future won’t alter what your customers see. It’s like freezing a moment in time, ensuring their experience remains timeless. So, create that link, my friend, and let the magic flow.

Etsy Symphony: Listing Your Melody

Now, we step into the grand hall of Etsy — a space where your symphony finds its audience. Imagine crafting a listing as an invitation to a concert. Photos, descriptions, tags — they are your ticket to the hearts of potential buyers.

In this gallery, showcase every facet of your creation. Multiple angles, mock-ups, and a sneak peek into each page — it’s your chance to let them hear the music before they decide to join the orchestra.

Describe your creation passionately, and don’t hold back on the tags; they are the keywords that echo in Etsy’s ears.

SEO Ballet: Dancing with Algorithms

Ah, the dance of SEO — a ballet where every move counts. Be descriptive, my friend; let your words pirouette with precision. Fill out every tag, every category, and watch as your creation takes center stage in the Etsy spotlight.

Set the scene — digital product, finished this year, under the category of design templates. Tags, my friend, are your graceful movements. Be as descriptive as the dance allows, for Etsy’s algorithms are always watching.

The Overture: Publishing Your Canva Symphony

As the curtain rises on your Etsy listing, the final act unfolds. Choose your settings — automatic for efficiency, digital for the intangible beauty you’re offering. Pour your heart into the description; let every word resonate with the value your creation brings.

Add tags, set your price, and upload that PDF — the key to the Canva template magic. The stage is set, and you are ready to publish your first Canva template product on Etsy. The applause awaits, my friend, as your creation takes its place in the vast gallery of online commerce.

A Creative Prelude: Taking Action for Results

Now that you’ve orchestrated your Canva symphony, it’s time to reap the rewards. As you bask in the glow of your Etsy success, consider this a prelude to greater creative endeavors. Explore, experiment, and let your artistry evolve.

But wait, there’s more! If you find yourself craving guidance on navigating the Canva realm, I’ve got a special announcement. I’m launching my very first Skillshare class called “Canva Basics to Launch Your Creative Business.”

Join the waitlist, my friend, and let me be your guide in unleashing the full potential of your creative genius.

In this class, we’ll dive deeper into the art of Canva, empowering you to design your destiny in the online business world.

So, take action, embark on this creative journey, and let your Canva templates become not just products but a symphony of possibilities. The stage is yours, maestro — let the creative overture begin!



Money Tent

Money Tent offers cutting-edge online money-making strategies for beginners to leverage before they lose their appeal. 🤑