I Built An Affiliate Website In 10 Mins Using CHATGPT ($8756.80/PM)

How I Used AI to Create a Free Affiliate Website Generating Over $100 a Day

Money Tent
5 min readJan 30, 2024

Building a Free AI Website for Effortless Affiliate Profits

Creating a successful affiliate marketing website can seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. In this article, I’ll walk you through the exact steps I took to create a free affiliate website from scratch using AI tools. Within days, my new site was generating over $100 a day in commissions.

We strongly recommend that you check out our guide on how to take advantage of AI in today’s passive income economy.

Finding Profitable AI Affiliate Programs

The key to a profitable affiliate site is promoting products people want to buy. I knew AI tools were hot right now, so I decided to focus my site on reviewing the latest AI software tools.

After some research, I discovered Futurepedia, a website that compiles a huge directory of AI tools. I created a free account so I could bookmark all the AI products I might want to promote. The site gets updated daily, so I knew I wouldn’t miss any new product releases.

With my account set up, I browsed through the different categories of AI tools — everything from finance to dating to design. I “favorited” the ones that looked most promising to promote as an affiliate.

Building My Site With AI

Once I had a few affiliate programs selected, it was time to build my site. I wanted something professional looking that would establish credibility.

In the past, I’d pay thousands for a custom WordPress site. But this time I used an AI website builder called 10Web that created my entire site for free in minutes!

After signing up and answering some questions about my site’s purpose, 10Web generated a complete WordPress blog using advanced AI. The site looked fantastic — clean design, professional logo, well-written content. Everything I needed to get started.

The best part? 10Web builds the sites with Elementor page builder. This meant I could easily drag-and-drop to customize anything on my site without coding.

Optimizing My Site For SEO

With my affiliate site’s foundation built, it was time to optimize it for SEO. This would help me rank in search engines and drive free organic traffic.

I re-wrote my blog’s headlines and meta descriptions using AI tools like Jasper and Conversion.ai to target keyphrases related to the products I wanted to promote.

10Web also has its own built-in AI assistant that helped me tweak things like H1 tags and image filenames for better SEO.

Optimizing for SEO is hugely important. I wanted to get as much free traffic from search engines as possible before driving paid traffic.

Creating Affiliate Content

Now it was time to add some affiliate content to my site. I wanted detailed reviews of the AI tools I planned to promote, so I could really sell people on why they should buy through my link.

Instead of writing articles manually, I generated them in seconds using AI writing tools. I gave the AI a basic outline of key points to cover and it created full-length posts for me.

The AI ensured my affiliate links were smoothly integrated in the posts, along with calls-to-action to click and buy. This would maximize my commissions from traffic.

With a few clicks, I was able to add incredibly detailed, SEO-optimized affiliate content to my site. This would have taken days if I wrote it myself!

Driving Free Traffic From Quora

So far, my affiliate site was looking great. But it wouldn’t generate any commissions without traffic. For fast, free traffic I turned to Quora.

Quora is perfect for driving targeted visitors because people search the site for solutions to specific problems. I could provide the solution with my affiliate link!

I searched Quora for questions related to my AI product reviews. When I found a relevant question, I used AI tools to quickly generate a helpful, detailed response.

My answers provided value to readers while organically working in recommendations for my affiliate products. I included links back to my full reviews for further reading.

The AI ensured my responses were high-quality and engaging, not salesy. This helped them get upvotes and drive click-throughs to my site.

While it took some initial effort to set up, this free Quora traffic required very little maintenance. The AI did almost all the work!

Seeing Real Results

In less than a week after launch, my affiliate site was already generating over $100 a day in commissions! And with my SEO optimization, free organic search traffic was ramping up too.

I was thrilled to see my site performing so well right out the gate. It just proved how powerful AI tools are for quickly creating successful affiliate marketing websites.

My profits have only grown since crossing that first $100/day threshold. And now, the bulk of my commissions comes from organic traffic instead of Quora.

The Key Takeaways

If you want to create your own profitable affiliate marketing site, here are my key tips:

  • Use AI tools like Futurepedia to find hot products to promote
  • Build a professional site in minutes with AI website builders like 10Web
  • Optimize your site for SEO with AI content tools for maximum free traffic
  • Leverage communities like Quora to kickstart targeted traffic to your site
  • Let AI handle the heavy lifting — content writing, traffic generation, and more

Affiliate marketing is easier than ever thanks to AI. You don’t need huge budgets or advanced skills to be successful. You just need the right strategy.

So don’t hesitate — start building your affiliate site today! Use AI to make the process simple, fast, and profitable. I can’t wait to see the success you achieve!



Money Tent

Money Tent offers cutting-edge online money-making strategies for beginners to leverage before they lose their appeal. 🤑 https://wealthytent.com/