I Challenged an AI Bot to Trade $30,000 in Stocks: The Surprising Outcome

My Journey into the World of AI Crypto Trading

Money Tent
4 min readFeb 27, 2024

The Day Everything Changed

On November 30th, 2022, my life — and possibly the world — changed forever. That day marked the moment artificial intelligence (AI) became accessible to the general public for free, thanks to something called ChatGPT. This event was a turning point, not just for AI enthusiasts like myself but for everyone who interacted with technology. AI’s capabilities are growing daily, surpassing human skills in areas like chess, poker, video games, and even camel racing. Yes, you read that right — a robot riding a camel in a race. It was a sight I never knew existed, yet there it was, showcasing the unexpected arenas AI could dominate.

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A Thought Provokes Action

This revelation led me down a path of curiosity. If AI can outperform humans in complex games like chess, could it do the same in AI crypto trading or the stock market? The more I pondered, the clearer it became that AI had several advantages over humans in trading: speed, efficiency, emotionlessness, continuous operation, and consistency. Unlike humans, AI can process vast amounts of financial data in seconds, operate without sleep, and adhere strictly to a trading plan without the interference of emotions like fear or greed. These factors made me wonder about the potential of AI in trading, specifically in the volatile and fast-paced world of AI crypto trading.

The Experiment Begins

Motivated by curiosity, I embarked on an experiment. I developed a trading bot from the ground up, incorporating eight years of trading knowledge, including market structure, momentum, volume, and Level II data. I aimed to encapsulate my trading style and strategies into this bot, creating a digital version of myself that could trade AI crypto and other markets autonomously. I decided to test this bot with a $30,000 investment in a brand-new trading account, letting it run for a week without any intervention from me. The goal was simple: to see if the bot could make profitable trades on autopilot, a true test of AI in the practical world of trading.

Setting the Stage

Before diving into the experiment, I set clear rules. I would not interfere with the trading account; my only action would be to start the bot and let it trade independently. This setup was akin to a game show, with the bot’s performance determining the outcome of my investment. The bot would operate on Meta Trader 5, a platform chosen for its ease in connecting bots for automated trading despite its outdated appearance. This choice was crucial for simplifying the process of executing trades based on the bot’s decisions, making it a pivotal part of the experiment.

The Challenge Escalates

Initially, I planned to invest just $1,000, but due to trading regulations and the desire to explore both long and short trades, the investment ballooned to $30,000. This change added a new level of seriousness to the experiment. My trading bot, equipped with my personal trading indicator from tradinglab.ai, was set to execute trades based on signals from this indicator. I added a feature to adjust for market sentiment, aiming to enhance the bot’s decision-making in varying market conditions. This adjustment was crucial for navigating the complexities of AI crypto trading and the stock market.

The Moment of Truth

As the experiment began, I watched anxiously, curious about the bot’s performance in real-time trading. Despite a rocky start with a few losses, the bot began to show promise, making profitable trades and demonstrating the potential of AI in trading. I had set parameters to manage risk, including a cap on the amount for each trade and a selection of stocks for the bot to trade. This approach was designed to test the bot’s ability to make profitable decisions across different market conditions.

Reflections on the Experiment

After a month of trading, the results were astonishing. The bot had taken 47 trades, with a significant majority being wins. The final balance showed a profit, underscoring the bot’s ability to navigate the market successfully. This experiment was not just a test of my coding skills or the bot’s technical capabilities but a demonstration of the potential of AI in revolutionizing trading. The success of the bot in AI crypto trading and the stock market opened my eyes to the possibilities of automation and AI’s role in the future of trading.

Looking Forward

The success of this experiment has inspired me to further refine the bot’s capabilities and explore new opportunities in AI crypto trading. The journey has been both a technical challenge and a personal voyage into the potential of AI. As I share this experience, I hope to contribute to the broader conversation about the role of AI in our lives, particularly in areas like trading where the stakes are high and the potential for innovation is limitless. The future of trading is undoubtedly digital, and AI will play a central role in shaping this landscape.



Money Tent

Money Tent offers cutting-edge online money-making strategies for beginners to leverage before they lose their appeal. 🤑 https://wealthytent.com/