I Made a YouTube Channel Using Only AI and Made $____

My Seven-Day Journey Testing AI’s Moneymaking Abilities on YouTube

Money Tent
5 min readDec 23, 2023

Can Automation Make Money on YouTube?

In a world where technology is rapidly advancing, I embarked on a unique experiment to explore the potential of artificial intelligence in running a successful YouTube channel.

With the goal of understanding how much money AI can generate in just seven days, I ventured into the realm of automated content creation.

Join me as I share the highs, lows, and unexpected twists in this fascinating journey.

We strongly recommend that you check out our guide on how to take advantage of AI in today’s passive income economy.

The Genesis: Launching a YouTube Channel Using AI

I kicked off this experiment by diving headfirst into the realm of AI-generated content.

The challenge?

To script, voiceover, edit, and post a staggering 70 videos within a week. The question looming over me: Can AI truly replace human creativity in the realm of YouTube content?

Meet Brian: The Brains Behind the AI YouTuber

The mastermind behind this AI experiment is Brian, an aviation expert and software engineer.

He introduced me to the concept of a literal YouTuber — an AI creation designed to automate the entire video production process.

Brian’s vision was clear: let the AI take the reins and see how much money it can rake in.

The AI Bot: A Closer Look at Automation

Brian explained the intricacies of the AI bot, designed to autonomously generate YouTube videos.

The tool boasted impressive features, from voice synthesis to script creation and even sentiment analysis. However, the burning question remained: Could it truly mimic the charm of a human creator?

Crunching Numbers: The Cost of AI-Generated Videos

As we delved into the financials, it became apparent that each video came with a price tag of around 30 cents.

To break even, we needed a substantial 6,000 views per video, earning a meager 0.00005 cents per view from YouTube. The financial stakes were high, but the excitement was palpable.

Early Struggles: Unveiling Low Views and YouTube’s Suspicions

Reality hit hard as the initial videos struggled to garner views. A mere 22 views and one subscriber raised eyebrows.

It dawned on us that YouTube might be onto the fact that these videos were AI-generated. The challenge evolved — we needed to make the content more relatable and less bot-like.

Cracking the Code: Making AI-Generated Content Appealing

Realizing that AI might be the culprit behind the low views, we pivoted to make our content appear more human.

The plan included adding subtitles and music, aiming to fool YouTube’s algorithm into thinking a human was at the helm.

Would this be the key to unlocking more views?

Seeking Feedback: Enter the Creator Now Community

With the videos still underperforming, I sought feedback from the Creator Now community. A platform connecting creators, it provided valuable insights.

The verdict was clear — our AI-generated content lacked effort, with slapped-on images leaving viewers unimpressed.

Overhauling the Content: From Images to GIFs

Taking the feedback to heart, we decided to spice things up. Swapping static images for animated GIFs added a dynamic element to the videos.

The hope was that this change would capture and maintain viewer interest, addressing the issue of low retention.

The Power of Slang: Teaching AI a New Language

Recognizing the need for innovation, we introduced slang into the AI’s repertoire.

Armed with a list of 20 slang words, we aimed to inject a dose of humor and relatability into the content.

The challenge, however, lay in teaching the AI a language it wasn’t inherently familiar with.

The Turning Point: Subtitles, Music, and a Human Touch

With the videos still struggling to gain traction, the final push involved adding subtitles and music to make them more human-like.

Brian burned the midnight oil coding these elements into the AI, transforming our content into a more polished and engaging final product.

The Grand Finale: Did AI Succeed in Making Money on YouTube?

As the experiment reached its climax, the moment of truth arrived.

Analyzing the analytics revealed a mixed bag of results. While the retention had increased, views remained stagnant.

It seemed YouTube’s algorithm was still onto us, recognizing the AI-generated nature of our content.

Reflections on the Experiment: A Balance Between AI and Creativity

In the end, the experiment yielded both success and failure. The channel accrued four subscribers and 3,300 views, but the stark reality was zero dollars in earnings.

The dream of AI completely taking over the YouTube realm proved premature. It underscored the crucial role human creativity plays in content creation.

The Takeaway: AI as a Tool, Not a Replacement

While AI showcased its potential in automating certain aspects of content creation, it fell short of becoming a complete replacement for human creators.

The experiment reinforced the notion that AI should be viewed as a tool, a complement to human ingenuity rather than a substitute.

Conclusion: Balancing Innovation and Authenticity

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, the balance between innovation and authenticity remains paramount.

As creators, we must leverage the power of AI to enhance our efficiency while preserving the unique touch that only human creativity can bring.

The journey may not have led to massive riches, but it unveiled the intricate dance between technology and human expression on platforms like YouTube.

Action Step: Join the Conversation!

What are your thoughts on AI’s role in content creation?

Have you experimented with automation on your own channel?

Share your insights and experiences in the comments below.

Let’s continue this conversation and explore the future of AI in the dynamic world of online content.



Money Tent

Money Tent offers cutting-edge online money-making strategies for beginners to leverage before they lose their appeal. 🤑 https://wealthytent.com/