I Tried Faceless YouTube Automation for 100 days.

My Journey Into YouTube Automation: What I’ve Learned After 100 Days

Money Tent
5 min readJan 6, 2024

Exposing the Myths and Lies of This Industry

After 100 days of running my own YouTube automation business, I can definitively say that most of what you’ve heard about this industry is false. When I first started out, I was naive and believed a lot of the hype and misinformation being spread around. But it didn’t take long for me to realize that the reality of this business is far different from what people claim.

The first big lie I discovered was in the very name itself — “YouTube automation.” I once ran a semi-automated Facebook ads business, so I thought I understood what automation meant. I imagined that YouTube automation would be similar — easy, hands-off income powered by software. Boy, was I wrong. The truth is, there’s very little actual automation involved in running a YouTube channel. It requires a ton of hard work from real people, not just software bots.

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You Can’t Build a Business in 20 Minutes a Week

Another common myth is that you can build a full-time $5k per month income stream in just 20 minutes a week with YouTube automation. That is beyond delusional. These channels are like babies — they need constant care and attention, especially when they’re first starting out. Anyone who thinks they can spend just 20 minutes a week and see a meaningful income has no idea what they’re talking about.

Experience Matters, Watching Videos Doesn’t Cut It

You’ll also hear claims that you can start earning $100 per day with no prior experience. While it’s true the barrier to entry is low, don’t think for a second that a lack of experience won’t hurt you. When I first started out, I thought that just because I watched a lot of YouTube, I’d know how to run a channel. I was so wrong. Just consuming content doesn’t remotely prepare you for actually creating it and building an audience. You need to earn “industry credit” which only comes from putting in the work.

The Keys to YouTube Success

Master the Fundamentals First

If this is your first YouTube channel, don’t worry about monetization or niches right away. Focus on learning the ropes, getting your process down, and building an amazing team. Only once you’ve mastered actually creating high-quality videos on a regular cadence should you think about profits.

Choose Your Niche Carefully

Once you have the basics down, choosing your niche becomes critical. Find an underserved niche where you can be a first mover and establish authority quickly. Don’t just create another general channel on a crowded topic like basketball — go narrow and own a specific niche like “the business of basketball.”

Create a Distinct Brand Identity

Clearly define your channel’s unique format and style from day one so your content has a distinct stamp. Give your team exact guidelines on what your videos should look and feel like. This will make your brand stand out in a sea of similar channels.

Shorts Won’t Make You Money

Don’t rely on YouTube Shorts if you want to make money directly from YouTube. Short form content leads to poor viewer relationships and loyalty. You need people to engage with your longer videos to build a monetizable audience.

Take Action, Knowledge Follows

Consume YouTube business courses, but don’t depend on them. No amount of passive learning can replace actually getting your hands dirty and learning through experience. Take action and build your channel — the knowledge will follow.

Build a Business, Not a Hobby

Treat your channel like a serious business, not just a hobby or side hustle. Have a long-term vision and build a company culture. This will help you stay motivated when growth isn’t linear. Not every video will go viral — consistency over years is key.

My First 100 Days of YouTube By the Numbers

$5k Invested, 8 Videos Created

So far, I’ve invested about $5k into my business and burned through about half of that. The biggest costs are contractors and software subscriptions. In 100 days, I’ve released 8 videos totaling 1.5 million views.

Viral Success Then Slowdown

The first 2 videos immediately went viral, clocking up most of those views quickly. But growth slowed down after that initial burst. It’s disappointing when your views drop from 148k to just 2k overnight, but I’m taking the long view. Consistency is key.

$1700 in Ad Revenue So Far

In 100 days, I’ve earned around $1700 in AdSense revenue directly from YouTube. I’ve gotten offers for big brand deals too but turned them down to stay focused on nailing our process first.

Focus on Quality Over Money

Monetization isn’t my priority right now. I know if we keep improving our production and releasing quality content, the money will come. I’m confident we have video ideas worth hundreds of thousands of dollars — we just need to flawlessly execute them.

Preparing for the AI-Powered Future

Automation is Coming

The way I run my business today won’t remain static. Within 2 years, I predict much of the operation will be automated by AI. That dream of a truly automated YouTube business isn’t far off.

Using AI to Create Content

Someone is going to crack the code on using AI to create content at scale. I want my business to be on the cutting edge utilizing these technologies as soon as they emerge. The winners in this industry will be the ones who adapt fastest.

Get Ready for the AI Revolution

If you share my vision for the future of AI-powered YouTube automation, click below to get updates and collaborate with me. The old manual methods of running channels will soon be obsolete. The time to prepare for the AI revolution is now.

My Key Takeaways After 100 Days

It’s Been a Wild Ride

My first 100 days as a YouTube entrepreneur have been a wild ride. I’ve learned so much about what it really takes to build an audience and run a media business. While it’s far from automated, this is still an amazing industry full of potential.

Playing the Long Game is Key

By ignoring the hype, taking consistent action, and playing the long game, I know I can turn my passion into a profitable media company. But I don’t want to do it alone. If you’re reading this, you probably have the same entrepreneurial spirit. Let’s connect and see how far we can take this YouTube thing together.

Unleash Your Creativity

The future is unwritten. Will you be someone who shapes it, or someone shaped by it? The choice is yours. I’ve made my choice — now it’s your turn. Seize the day and unleash your creativity to the world. I hope my journey inspires you to start your own. It won’t be easy, but it will absolutely be worth it. Let’s show the world what we can create.



Money Tent

Money Tent offers cutting-edge online money-making strategies for beginners to leverage before they lose their appeal. 🤑 https://wealthytent.com/