I Tried Fiverr For 30 days WITHOUT any Skills & Made ___?

I Tried Making Money on Fiverr With No Skills in 30 Days — Here’s What Happened

Money Tent
4 min readJan 3, 2024

Earning Passive Income through Online Gigs

I’ve seen this challenge going around on YouTube where people try to make money on Fiverr within a certain number of days. I decided to put a twist on it and give myself 30 days to make money on Fiverr without having any skills.

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The Experiment Begins

I spent about two hours searching for services I could provide on Fiverr that require no skills. I broke the services down into three categories — skill level, competition level, and pricing.

The first service I found was unboxing videos. This is where a customer sends you their product and you film yourself opening the packaging and showing the product. It requires almost no skill — I’d rate it a 3 out of 10 on the skill level. Competition is low with only 282 services available. I think you could charge $100–200 per unboxing video, but you may want to start lower to get your first purchase.

The next service is UGC/TikTok videos. This is similar to unboxing videos but for TikTok. You could even be a brand ambassador of sorts. The skill level here is a bit higher, around a 5 out of 10 since you need knowledge of how TikTok works and what makes videos go viral. Competition is still low with 431 services available. I’d price these around $65–100 per TikTok video.

I realized some people may not want to show their face on camera. So I found a service called pop out Facebook ads. I’ll insert an example here so you can see what it is. This takes no skills at all — I’d rate it a 1 out of 10. Competition is very low and I could see pricing these at $50–100 each.

Setting Up My Gig

For week one, I decided to go with the pop out Facebook ad service since it doesn’t require you to show your face. I’m using a software called OFFEO that makes it easy to create the ads quickly.

In week two, I set up my Fiverr gig with pricing, descriptions, etc. Once Fiverr approved it, I was ready to start getting orders.

Trying to Get Those First Sales

I had zero orders at first. So I reached out to various Instagram accounts and asked if they’d like to try my service. I didn’t hear back from any of them.

Next, I submitted some requests on Fiverr for buyers to see if I could get some interest that way. I priced them at $55 each and said I could complete them within two days.

Success — My First Order!

I got a response from someone saying they were interested in ordering my gig! I was able to complete their order in about 3 hours using OFFEO. It was a 16 second video which is exactly what they wanted.

The customer was super happy and left positive feedback. After that first order, I started getting more orders consistently. I got about 3 orders totaling $265. However, Fiverr takes out 20% fees so I really earned $212.

Continuing the Experiment

While $212 in earnings isn’t bad for not needing any skills and having software do most of the work, I want to see if I can increase that amount.

Over the next few weeks, I’m going to try different marketing tactics to get more visibility for my gig. I’ll also explore adding new service offerings similar to the Facebook ads.

My goal is to earn at least $500 within the full 30 days. I’m off to a decent start, so I think it’s an achievable goal!

I’ll report back with my final results. But so far, this experiment has shown that with the right strategy, you really can make money on Fiverr without specialized skills. It does take consistency and persistence to get those first sales. Once you have some positive reviews, it gets easier.

Tips for Making Money on Fiverr With No Skills

Based on my experience so far, here are some tips for those looking to earn on Fiverr without expertise in a particular area:

  • Find services that leverage technology to do the work for you. For example, graphics and video creation software.
  • Focus on digital services without a physical component. Things like social media posts or basic data entry can be good options.
  • Use buyer requests and gig extras to get your first orders and reviews. Offer discounts if needed.
  • Be responsive and provide good customer service. This helps build your reputation.
  • Experiment with different gig ideas. See what gains traction, then double down on those working well.
  • Use promoted gigs and marketing to increase visibility once you have positive reviews.

Final Thoughts

While it does take some effort, it’s possible for anyone to make money on Fiverr without advanced skills. You have to get creative with the services you offer. Software and automation can remove the need for craftsmanship in certain areas.

I’m curious to see how much I can earn in the full 30 days. But so far, it’s clear that with the right strategy, Fiverr can be a source of income even if you’re not an expert. It provides an opportunity for anyone to leverage their time. I’ll be sure to provide an update on the final results of this experiment!



Money Tent

Money Tent offers cutting-edge online money-making strategies for beginners to leverage before they lose their appeal. 🤑 https://wealthytent.com/