New Claude 3 and ChatGPT Prompt Library: Unleashing AI Creativity

New Frontiers in AI-Assisted Content Creation: Claude 3 and ChatGPT Prompt Library

Money Tent
7 min readMar 26, 2024

New AI Writing Assistants: Claude 3 and ChatGPT Prompt Library Debut

I have recently discovered an incredible resource for anyone looking to harness the power of AI writing assistants like Claude 3 and ChatGPT. The new prompt library, released by Anthropic, contains nearly 70 different prompts that are not only comprehensive but also extremely practical. These prompts can be used right now inside Claude 3, ChatGPT, or even Gemini, as they work pretty much the same across all large language models.

After testing almost every single prompt in the library, I have compiled a list of my top 10 favorites. Of course, you can explore the entire library on your own and find the prompts that work best for your specific needs. In this article, I will walk you through the 10 prompts that I found to be the most useful and provide examples of how they can be applied in various scenarios.

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Exploring the Prompt Library Categories

The prompt library is divided into two main categories: play prompts and work prompts. Play prompts are designed for fun activities, such as dream interpretation or creating games using HTML files. However, for the purpose of this article, I will be focusing on the work prompts, as they are more relevant to the majority of users seeking to enhance their productivity and efficiency.

It’s worth noting that the library also features a section for user-generated prompts, where individuals can submit their own creations. Although there are no user-submitted prompts available at the moment, this feature holds great potential for the future growth and development of the library.

1. Corporate Clairvoyant: Extracting Insights from Documents

One of the most useful applications of large language models is data analysis and insight extraction from lengthy documents or corporate reports. The Corporate Clairvoyant prompt is designed to do just that, condensing the information into a single, easy-to-digest memo. To use this prompt, simply copy and paste the report or document into Claude 3 or your preferred AI writing assistant, along with the provided prompt.

In my experience, the paid version of Claude 3 (Opus) yielded slightly better results, especially when it came to coding and HTML. However, the free version still produced good results with these prompts. After inputting the document and prompt, the AI generated a summary in bullet point format, highlighting key trends and takeaways. To ensure accuracy, I recommend running the same prompt through multiple models, such as Claude 3 Opus and GPT-4, and cross-referencing the generated numbers with the original document.

2. Website Wizard: Creating a One-Page Website with Ease

The Website Wizard prompt blew my mind with its ability to create a one-page website based on a detailed prompt. Although the prompts provided in the library are designed for use with APIs, you can easily copy and paste both the system and user prompts into Claude or ChatGPT to achieve impressive results.

To test this prompt, I used, a free website that allows you to input HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code and see the resulting website in real-time. The AI-generated code produced a professional-looking website with a header, footer, and even interactive elements like a changing text effect and search bar. The only manual intervention required was to replace the image placeholders with actual image URLs. This prompt is continuously improving, and I am excited to see how it evolves in the future.

3. Cite Your Sources: Answering Questions with Document Citations

The Cite Your Sources prompt is another practical tool that answers questions about a specific document while providing citations. This is incredibly useful for researchers, bloggers, or anyone writing a report. To use this prompt, copy and paste the entire document into your AI writing assistant, along with the provided prompt and your specific question.

Within seconds, the AI generates a response containing relevant quotes from the document, along with their corresponding references. This is a massive time-saver, eliminating the need to manually search through lengthy documents for specific information. As with any AI-generated content, it’s always a good idea to run the output through multiple models to minimize the risk of hallucinations or inaccuracies.

4. Meeting Scribe: Summarizing Meeting Notes and Action Items

The Meeting Scribe prompt is a game-changer for anyone who regularly attends meetings or needs to keep track of important discussions. By feeding your meeting notes into the AI, along with the provided prompt, you can generate a concise summary that captures essential information, key takeaways, and action items.

This prompt works particularly well when combined with other AI-powered tools, such as the auto-transcription feature in Zoom. By feeding the AI-generated meeting transcript into the Meeting Scribe prompt, you can create a comprehensive summary in just a few seconds. This is invaluable for keeping team members who were unable to attend the meeting up-to-date and ensuring that everyone is on the same page regarding next steps.

5. Second Grade Simplifier: Making Complex Text Accessible

As a writer, I often find myself needing to simplify complex concepts for a broader audience. The Second Grade Simplifier prompt is designed to make complex text easier to understand for younger learners, but it can be adapted for any reading level by modifying the grade level specified in the prompt.

To use this prompt, input the complex text you want to simplify, along with the desired reading level (e.g., eighth-grade reading level). The AI will then generate a simplified version of the text, using plain language and presenting the information in a clear, engaging way. This prompt is useful for teachers, content creators, and anyone looking to make their writing more accessible to a wider audience.

6. Grammar Genie: Perfecting Your Writing

While I typically use Grammarly for my grammar and spelling needs, the Grammar Genie prompt is a powerful alternative that can be used directly within ChatGPT or Claude. This simple prompt takes your text and rewrites it, fixing any issues with grammar, spelling, punctuation, verb tense, and word choice.

I recommend running any piece of writing through this prompt before finalizing it, as it helps to polish your work without altering the structure, meaning, or tone of your original text. This is particularly useful when writing emails, as it ensures that your message is clear, concise, and error-free.

7. Adaptive Editor: Rewriting Text with Style and Flair

The Adaptive Editor prompt takes your writing to the next level by rewriting text based on specific instructions related to tone, audience, and style. This prompt allows you to customize your writing to suit a particular purpose or target reader, making it an invaluable tool for content creators, marketers, and anyone looking to improve their writing skills.

To use this prompt, input the paragraph you want to rewrite, along with instructions for the desired tone, audience, and style. For example, you could ask the AI to rewrite a paragraph in a friendly but professional tone, targeting an audience of CEOs, and emulating the style of Steve Jobs. The AI will then generate a revised version of your text that incorporates these elements, helping you to craft compelling and engaging content.

8. Pros Publishing: The Ultimate Copywriting Tool

As a marketer or business owner, crafting effective copy is essential for attracting and engaging your target audience. The Pros Publishing prompt is a comprehensive copywriting tool that analyzes your content, identifies areas for improvement, and provides suggestions to enhance the overall effectiveness of your writing.

This prompt covers a wide range of aspects, including grammar, punctuation, spelling, syntax, word choice, flow, and impact. It also provides alternative word choices to make your writing more clear and compelling. The output is presented as a numbered list, making it easy to review and implement the suggested changes.

9. Product Naming Pro: Generating Catchy and Memorable Names

Coming up with a catchy and memorable name for a new product or business can be a daunting task. The Product Naming Pro prompt is designed to help you generate creative, marketable names based on a provided description and set of keywords.

To use this prompt, input a description of your product or business, along with any relevant keywords. The AI will then generate a list of potential names that are both creative and memorable. You can further refine the results by asking the AI to generate additional names based on your favorite options from the initial list. This iterative process allows you to arrive at the perfect name for your product or business.

10. Brand Builder: Crafting a Holistic Brand Identity

For entrepreneurs and marketers, creating a strong and cohesive brand identity is crucial for success. The Brand Builder prompt is a comprehensive tool that helps you design a brief for a holistic brand identity, covering aspects such as naming, logo design, color palette, typography, tone and voice, and overall brand personality.

This detailed prompt guides you through the process of defining your brand’s key elements, ensuring that all aspects of your brand work together to create a unified and compelling identity. By using this prompt as a starting point, you can develop a clear and concise brief that will serve as the foundation for all your branding efforts.


The new Claude 3 and ChatGPT prompt library is an invaluable resource for anyone looking to harness the power of AI writing assistants. With nearly 70 comprehensive and practical prompts to choose from, this library has something for everyone, whether you’re a writer, marketer, entrepreneur, or simply looking to improve your productivity and efficiency.

By exploring the prompts outlined in this article, as well as the many others available in the library, you can unlock new possibilities and take your writing to the next level. As AI technology continues to advance, tools like Claude 3 and ChatGPT will become increasingly essential for anyone looking to stay ahead of the curve in today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape.



Money Tent

Money Tent offers cutting-edge online money-making strategies for beginners to leverage before they lose their appeal. 🤑