OKEx Announces Mainnet Launch of ‘High-Performance Trading Chain’ OKExChain

Money Tent
3 min readJan 26, 2021


Mainstream bitcoin trade OKEx has reported the mainnet dispatch of its “superior exchanging chain” OKExChain for January of one year from now, across four principle organizes that will guarantee the organization’s security and dependability.

As per OKEx, OKExChain has been being developed for “just shy of three years,” and experienced three significant stages on its excursion to turn into “the hearty, profoundly productive exchanging chain” that it’s set to before long dispatch.

The advancement period it experienced, OKEx composed, permitted the group behind it to “all the more likely comprehend the particular favorable circumstances” of the innovation being utilized on OKExChain and how it “enhances other existing undertakings.” The declaration adds:

What we’ve worked in the course of the most recent couple of years and will dispatch to people in general in January is the world’s first open-source, exchanging centered chain — a genuinely decentralized and borderless environment for trading esteem.

It’s local OKExChain Token (OKT) will experience an underlying printing measure that will begin close to the furthest limit of the year. The blockchain’s mainnet itself will experience a beginning stage going from 4:00 pm UTC on Dec. 31, 2020 to 4:00 pm UTC on Jan. 14, 2021.

Its subsequent stage will be utilized to test the organization’s solidness. The term of the stage isn’t characterized, as the trade will organize with its local area to “direct a last trial of the whole organization to guarantee the wellbeing and dependability of the OKExChain.”

A third stage will begin after the organization’s validators proposed it. During this stage, clients will have the option to move their OKT tokens from OKEx onto the OKExChain. A last fourth stage will see the “keen agreement virtual machine” be empowered after a proposition is passed by validators.

OKExChain will at that point be “viable with all tasks on Ethereum.”

Beginning Minting Process for OKExChain’s OKT Token

As indicated by a different declaration the trade distributed, the printing cycle will start on December 31, 2020 at 4:00 pm UTC. OKB token holders will have the option to stake their assets with OKEx to begin procuring OKExChain Tokens (OKT), which will be utilized on the OKExChain.

The OKEx Chain is a superior exchanging chain and the trade portrays it as the “following stage in decentralized exchanging, permitting individuals to exchange anything on-chain while holding unlimited authority over their resources. The declaration adds:

OKT is the local badge of the OKExChain biological system and gives holders benefits which incorporate marking advantages and casting a ballot rights. After the chain’s mainnet dispatch, OKT holders will likewise have the option to become validators to procure block prizes and exchange charges.

OKT, it’s important, has an underlying stamping of 10 million tokens and an upper inventory breaking point of about 72.2 million. It utilizes the equivalent splitting model as BTC and is divided at regular intervals. Introductory square rewards are of 1 OKT.

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