Quick $65/Hour Simple AI Side Hustle For Beginners to Make Money Online In 2024

How I Make $50-$65 Per Hour Online Without Selling Anything

Money Tent
5 min readJan 4, 2024

A Step-By-Step Guide For Total Beginners

As a blogger and entrepreneur, I’m always looking for new ways to make money online. Recently, I stumbled upon a method that has quickly become one of my favorites because it’s so easy and requires very little work on my end. In fact, I don’t have to sell or market anything to earn up to $65 per hour!

Intrigued? Keep reading and I’ll explain exactly how it works.

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Finding Viral Content On Listverse

The first step is simple — I head over to Listverse.com and browse their most popular articles. Listverse is a site dedicated to sharing bizarre, weird and creepy lists and stories, which tend to get tons of clicks and engagement.

I don’t actually have to read any of the articles. I just look for titles and topics that seem like they’d attract a lot of curiosity clicks. For example, I found a list called “Top 10 Creepiest Unsolved Mysteries of the Internet” which seems perfect.

After selecting an article, I save any engaging images from it to use later. I also open the article itself and scan for additional images I can borrow. Having eye-catching visuals is key for attracting clicks!

Shortening The Link With ShrinkMe

Next, I copy the URL of the Listverse article I selected. This is the link I’ll ultimately want people to click on so I can earn money.

I head over to ShrinkMe.io to create a shortened version of the link. ShrinkMe is a paid link shortening service. When people click on shortened links created through their platform, ShrinkMe shows them ads and splits the ad revenue with you.

So in essence, they pay you when someone clicks your link! It usually only amounts to a few cents per click, but it adds up fast.

After registering on ShrinkMe, I paste the Listverse article’s URL into the link shortener tool. This gives me a new, shortened link that leads to the same article.

Creating Promotional Graphics

Now for the fun part — making graphics to promote the content! I use Canva.com since it’s free and easy to use.

I start by uploading the eye-catching image I saved earlier from Listverse. Next, I add a bold, contrasting gradient background for pop.

In the text tool, I type out the article’s headline, “Top 10 Creepiest Unsolved Mysteries of the Internet”. I highlight some of the key words to make them stand out more.

Once I’m happy with the design, I download the image to my computer. Now I have a custom graphic to promote the viral content.

Sharing On Image Sharing Sites

The next step is posting my graphics on high-traffic image sharing sites like Imgur. People visit sites like this just to browse fun images, so it’s the perfect audience to promote weird, curiosity-sparking content to.

On Imgur, I upload the graphic I created along with the headline as the title. In the description, I put “Click here to read for free” and paste my ShrinkMe shortened link.

This lets people know they can view the full article just by clicking the link, completely free. When they click, I get paid by ShrinkMe!

Posting multiple graphics a day allows me to rack up lots of clicks quickly. According to the site stats, some images on Imgur get over 30,000 views. Just a tiny fraction of that traffic clicking my link means easy earnings for me.

Promoting On Pinterest

Another great traffic source is Pinterest. This platform is all about sharing viral, eye-catching graphics and content.

After uploading my graphic, I use the headline as the Pin title once again. For the description, I actually copy and paste the Listverse article’s meta description to provide more context.

The end result is a graphic pin linking directly to the article that looks right at home in Pinterest’s feed. Reposting several times a week allows me to get my links in front of Pinterest’s hundreds of millions of active users.

Joining Facebook Groups

I also leverage Facebook Groups to share my graphics and links. Joining groups related to entertainment, weird stories, mysteries and the like allows me to get my content in front of engaged audiences already interested in this type of material.

As always, I make sure to only post in groups where the content is relevant and allowed. As long as I provide value to group members by sharing fascinating stories and graphics, the posts are welcomed.

This promotional tactic exposes my links to thousands more potential clickers each day. And thanks to ShrinkMe, more clicks equals more money in my pocket.

Becoming A Listverse Author

Now for the advanced technique that can take earnings to the next level.

I realized I could become an author on Listverse myself, get paid for my articles, AND earn money from ShrinkMe clicks too. It’s like getting paid double for the same content!

Listverse pays authors $100 for each accepted post. To get started, I clicked on “Write and Get Paid” in the site’s footer. This took me to instructions for submitting my own articles.

As long as I follow the guidelines and write something engaging, I stand to make $100 every time a list gets accepted.

And remember, I can still create graphics to promote my own Listverse articles and earn per click with ShrinkMe links too!

Between the upfront payments from Listverse and passive click earnings from ShrinkMe, self-publishing has become an extremely lucrative aspect of this business model.

And because my articles tend to perform well thanks to my catchy headlines and promo graphics, Listverse is more likely to accept more of my submissions over time.

Let’s Recap This Easy Money Method

To summarize this incredibly simple yet profitable strategy:

  1. Find viral articles on Listverse
  2. Shorten the links with ShrinkMe
  3. Create eye-catching graphics
  4. Promote them on Imgur, Pinterest and Facebook
  5. Earn money when people click the links
  6. Write your own Listverse articles to double your earnings

That’s really all there is to it! With just a few minutes of work each day, I’m able to generate totally passive income streams that earn me $50-$65 per hour or more.

And remember, there’s no selling, websites or large social media followings required. As long as you can create attention-grabbing graphics and post them where they’ll be seen, the clicks and money start flowing in.

I hope you found this guide helpful. Let me know if you have any other questions! I’m always happy to help fellow online entrepreneurs in any way I can.



Money Tent

Money Tent offers cutting-edge online money-making strategies for beginners to leverage before they lose their appeal. 🤑 https://wealthytent.com/