What is Cibo?

3 min readSep 6, 2023

An in-depth exploration of the testing method, target population, benefits, and limitations

Cibo, short for comprehensive internal body optimization, is a cutting-edge testing method that aims to provide in-depth information about an individual’s internal health and well-being. This article will delve into what Cibo entails, who can benefit from it, and the advantages and disadvantages of this innovative testing approach.

What is Cibo?

Cibo is an advanced analyzing technique that utilizes a combination of comprehensive blood panels, genetic testing, and AI algorithms to evaluate an individual’s overall health and identify potential areas of concern. By analyzing various biomarkers and genetic data, Cibo provides personalized insights into an individual’s predispositions, nutritional needs, and potential health risks.

Who is the target population for Cibo?

Cibo can benefit anyone interested in understanding their body’s internal state, from athletes striving to optimize their performance to individuals seeking preventative health measures. The test can be particularly valuable for individuals with chronic diseases or those looking to make informed lifestyle changes.




I am a pharmacist who finds immense joy in the wonders of nature, the pleasures of gastronomy, the captivating world of animals, and the artistry of writing.