Monica - Will Write for Mangoes
1 min readApr 16, 2024


I’m just ending a year long phone fast. It was a struggle and I was angry and emotional about not having all my apps

I discovered that everything I wanted to do I could accomplish with my laptop and land line. The exceptions were cash app and otp passwords.

The best thing I learned was to be intentional with my time. I consider who I’m calling, what I want to discuss and for how long. Using the laptop creates a buffer that causes me to pause before completing an action.

I can still get lost on the laptop but I’m more likely to stick to the plan and avoid distractions.

I can appreciate using cell phones to create or earn in general. I’ve driven for Lyft and showed for Instacart. Why not design on Canvas, write on Medium, and clear clutter with Poshmark.

Thank you for sharing this story and giving us the ‘push notification’ to create - Monica



Monica - Will Write for Mangoes

Wife. Mother. Daughter. Sister. Niece. Cousin, Friend. Teacher. Writer.