Praising the Lord through Respiration

Monica - Will Write for Mangoes
2 min readApr 17, 2024

A psalm can be defined as a sacred song or hymn. Psalm 150:6 states in the NIV version of the Bible, “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.”

It is on my mind most mornings when I go to walk Piglet. I talk to her about the day and am thankful.

Piglet a white pit bull with brown around her eye and back contemplates her environment while a praying mantis contemplates Piglet.
Piglet, a white pit bull with brown around her eye and back, contemplates her environment while a praying mantis contemplates Piglet. Image taken by Monica — Will Write for Mangoes.

I enjoy listening to music and teaching my children the songs I learned growing up. At this juncture, my voice is a little cracked, so I’ve limited praise to my home and private moments.

The idea that all things that are breathing are praising the Lord is profound. The fact that we have life is a testament to how omniscient and omnipotent Jehovah is!

Now, let’s think about this. Breathing is an involuntary function, a chemical process required to unlock energy in an organism, providing life. We breathe, we praise the Lord. Animals breathe, they praise the Lord!

When plants, trees, and fungi ‘breathe’, they praise the Lord. An exchange of carbon dioxide in and oxygen out of plants is respiration or “breathing” by definition. Photosynthesis and respiration work hand-in-hand to provide energy and life for these organisms.

Bacteria breathe too! It’s called cellular respiration. Everything that has breathe, lives, and praises the Lord. Praise the Lord!

Photo by Nienke Broeksema on Unsplash

Thank you for reading to the end. Your highlights, claps and comments help catapault me to the next level. I do work for mangos. I will give praise to the Lord before consuming them!



Monica - Will Write for Mangoes

Wife. Mother. Daughter. Sister. Niece. Cousin, Friend. Teacher. Writer.