How to find the best black hair salon : A Quick Guide

Monica Hair Designs
3 min readJan 31, 2023


Your hair is precious and needs to be taken care of. Choosing a Black hair salon near me in Whitehall is a task that requires patience.

Black hair salon near Whitehall

The salon staff will be handling your hair so it’s all the more important to do some research about it. Harsh handling of hair or rough treatments can damage your hair permanently.

The average woman spends about $2000 a year on salons. This includes just the hair and nails. This is why it is important to spend your money wisely. Everyone wants to look their best and everyone is right.

There seems to be a salon at every corner claiming to be the best. So how do you know which one to go for? Let us take look at a few tips which will help you with finding a salon

Budget :

This is the most important consideration. You don’t want to go to a salon that will charge you your entire salary for one hair treatment.

High prices don’t always mean that you will get your money’s worth. It is often better to visit a salon which is offering some discounts on treatments if they are combined.

Types of services :

Check the list of services the salon provides. Does it specialize in what you are looking for ? Some salons only focus on the hair. Then there are other salons that focus on skincare and spa treatments.

If you are looking for specialized haircut or treatment then it is better to go for a salon that specializes in hair. This will help you with making a shortlist.

Location :

Obviously, you need to find a salon which is near to you. It could be close to your home or to your work.

Recommendations from friends and family :

Asking your friends and family about salon recommendations is a very good idea. Their personalized experiences will help you with making an informed choice. You can also check out review sites that contain ratings and reviews by users.

Experience :

Most salons have a website these days. It will be helpful to check them out. Do check the about us section which gives information about the staff. It is important to know about their experience so you can choose the right one for the services you want.

If the salon doesn’t have a website, then call them and ask. They should be more than happy to answer your queries.

Do a test visit :

Black hair salon near Reynoldsburg

Once you have made a short list, schedule an appointment and go for a simple thing like a hair trim. This way you can get a feel of the place and also of the hairstylist.

Observe everything closely and take it all in. Is the staff friendly? Are they willing to listen to you? Is the place hygienic? Are they properly sterilizing the scissors and combs ?

These are a few factors to check out before coming to a final decision. You can always contact Designs by Monica. They have the best hair salon near me in Reynoldsburg .



Monica Hair Designs

We pride ourselves on being the best hair salon in Hamilton Rd Columbus Ohio.