Anxiety And Dizziness - My Dizzy Spells Was Anxiety

Monica Jacobson
2 min readAug 30, 2017


Too much stress- Stress could be a cause of the these episodes. Too much stress can turn into a good deal worse. A dizzy spell caused by too much stress can turn into a stoke or heart attack.

Unbelievable I waited two weeks before I finally went to the doctor, mind you the eye had begun to get better. I figured in time my vision would fully return to normal, but after two weeks it did not so my wife convinced me to go to the doctor and have it looked at. To may surprise my eye was the least of my problems.

It happened in the basement. I was helping to stack the newspapers when my uncle suggested we take a break and have a Coke. However, I quickly became uncomfortable when he asked me to sit on his lap. I didn't want to. I hated to sit on his lap although I didn't quite know why. I only knew that didn't like it. Still, I did as I was told. I obeyed my elder.

Food Safety , part 1. The same should be said for food. Discuss any food allergies and compare them to what foods will be served at camp. If your child requires a special diet, see what causes frequent dizziness provisions can be made.

Other signs of heat exhaustion include: pale skin, muscle cramps, becoming tired and weak, dizziness spells, sick to the stomach, vomiting and passing out. If you are suffering from any of these symptoms while outdoors, it is important to get into a cooler area to get treatment right away. Heat exhaustion is a minor health issue that can occur if you are in the heat for too long. It can easily lead to worse medical conditions though. Be certain to take the proper mode of action in order to get yourself back to good health and keep you there.

I was stunned; it turned out to be a real wake up call for me. I am fine now in case any of you were wondering, and my vision is pretty much back to normal, but I am lucky things could have been a lot worst.

Even better is that your metabolism is so fired up you'll lose weight when you are sleeping. This is the fast track of weight loss. For me nothing comes close - Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle has been the key. It's been so quick, the fat has stayed off, and surprisingly it's been stress free.

To sum things up, I have a disease that no the certain why it happens or the way to rectify it. Not like the dizziness where bonce spins currently being a top. It is not worth working with a major stroke or worst dying.

