Why Your 20’s Feel Like Limbo

M.J. Granados
7 min readAug 19, 2021
Even when the sun sets tonight, it will rise again in the morning, not on its own, but by the pull of gravity. So, when you feel the light in you going out, use the pull of your determination to make it shine once more.

Life is meant to be done your way right?

Frank Sinatra thought so. Many great people who have achieved insane dreams have amazing quotes that we cherish and post to our social media after getting home from a long day of work where we spend time doing anything but living our way. By the time you get home, you seemingly have no energy to do what you want. So, why them and not you?

When you were a child, everything seemed like it would work out just fine. In fact, you probably didn’t even think of “it” at all. As you reached your teens, maybe it began to set it in that this wasn’t going to last. More responsibilities were put on your plate and you started to figure out that the world needs something from you for you to sustain your basic needs.

In my experience

I had neglectful parents. In no way do I blame them for things that happened, as they were once that kid and teenager, too. Trying to figure out what to do with a child at 17 probably isn’t what your average teen is worrying about. The point is, they did the best they could as they navigated life and built their own character. It’s these types of events and changes we may not see coming and soon have to adapt to living with long term, but adaptation is a great tool for life.



M.J. Granados

I love to tell stories and inform people of ways I have improved my way of thinking and living in the hopes it will help someone out there.