Patent Illustration

5 min readJul 29, 2021


Patent Illustration

The patent illustration is a large topic and most people are not familiar with this topic completely. Some points are still not in the memory of the public. In this blog, I will try to discuss some points which may be beneficial for the readers. And maybe the audience will find them interesting, and useful. The motto to write this post is to provide maximum correct knowledge regarding the patent application. So without wasting time let’s start from the beginning.

From idea to patent illustration

The whole story begins with an idea. But there is one condition. Yes, you hear a lot about this condition that an idea must be unique, original, and useful. The story does not end here. After this point, you have to come out from the world of imagination. Along with your idea. People say it is very tough and challenging to imagine something which is original and useful to the public. Yes, it is but the more challenging task is working on that idea. Taking it out from mind to market.

Problems occurred when you try to bring your idea to the market

Now we will discuss some of the common issues faced by inventors when they try to bring their idea into the market.

  • Some great ideas are not coming into the market due to the lack of financial support of the inventor.
  • Sometimes the inventor is unable to find a good illustrator so that he would not get the same required thing in reality that is imagined by the inventor.
  • Due to the lack of proper planning and business management.
  • Lack of patience is also the main reason for getting underprivileged of the great idea.
  • Easily trusting in people and sharing your ideas with others would cost you to wash your hands from your precious ideas.

These are some of the problems which occurred when you are new in the market. I will explain some of the good solutions for these problems.

  • Financial support is the most common problem for inventors. The inventor should find someone who can sponsor the inventor’s idea. This could be possible only if the invention has some guts in it. Then this could be very beneficial for him/her. This is really a hard task but it is possible.
  • Professional Patent Illustrator A professional patent illustrator can play a very important role in your patent application if you are not a professional illustrator. It is necessary to find such an illustrator who has an amazing sense of imagination and the ability to produce drawings exactly the same according to the inventor’s requirements. If you find one this could be very easy for you to get a patent for your patent application. If you are looking for a good patent illustrator then I would suggest you go for Digital Suntech. Really they have a good team of patent illustrators.
  • Planning and business management Planning and business management should be done in a proper way. The main thing you have to focus on is that you have to bring the product to the market at a very reasonable price. So that this is affordable for the public. And you have to make this deal beneficial for yourself too. All these things are possible only if proper planning and business management are done.
  • Patience and perseverance Patience and perseverance reflect the good qualities and positive personality of the inventor. You should be aware of one thing. Getting the patent for an invention is a long game and having patience and perseverance is compulsory. You should be familiar with the processing time period of the patent office. And have to wait until your patent application gets approved by the patent examiner. Without having a patent it is impossible to achieve your goal of getting a patent for your invention.
  • Ideas are not patentable Yes, you can’t get a patent for your idea. It does not matter how much your idea is beneficial until you don’t have a solid identical proof for your idea. That is why you have to keep your useful ideas private. Because you will not get protection for them. If your competitors get your idea they can bring the practical version of your idea to the market and you can’t do anything in this case. This is the reason why privacy is necessary for your ideas and you should share them only with a trusted person.

Now we will focus on the reasons why patent applications are facing rejections from the patent office. A few of the reasons are given below.

  • Lack of drawings.
  • The complete written description of the invention

Lack of drawings

Due to the shortage of drawings in the patent application. it would become a hard task for the examiner to understand the invention and it becomes time-consuming. Now, this distracts the examiner and reduces the interest of the examiner in the invention. That is why lack of drawings becomes the main reason for the rejection of the patent application. If you are looking for quality patent drawings for your patent application. Then you should contact Digital Suntech. From where you can get high-quality patent drawings.

A complete written description of the invention

It becomes most important for the inventor to provide a complete description that includes every single detail of the invention. The main thing is that you have to write a description of the invention in such a way that it looks interesting to read and easy to understand and doing complete justice with the invention.


In the end, I would like to say that if we cover all these points while working on the patent application we can easily get approval for our patent application which has very low chances of rejection. And you will get the required legal protection for your invention. If you have any queries regarding patent illustration feel free to contact us. We will try our best to provide you with the optimum solution for your problem.

Originally published at on July 29, 2021.




Digital Suntech The Patent Illustrators. Who are provides good quality patent illustrations services.