Do You Call Without Asking First? You’re Being Extremely Rude And Here’s Why

Monika Malan
2 min readDec 3, 2021


Are you that person that calls someone when the mood strikes you? Read on to find out why that isn’t such a good idea.

Buzz…buzz…buzz… That’s my phone. Someone is calling me. (My phone is typically on vibrate unless I’m expecting a call.)

But I’m busy. I have a 9 to 5 job, I have a toddler to care for, and I have a bajillion things on my to-do list.

Chances are, I will only take a quick look at my phone. And if you’re not someone that warrants immediate attention, I will ignore you.

Would You Rock Up To Someone’s House Uninvited?

Calling without checking first is the same principle.

Just because you have the time and desire to talk right now doesn’t mean that the other person does.

It’s Rude

It’s rude to interrupt someone when they’re busy and not expecting a call.

It’s rude to expect they should drop everything they are busy with to talk to you right now.

It’s rude to intrude on their personal time without permission.

You’re Crying: “Wolf”

The people in my life respect me enough not to call unnecessarily. And I appreciate that. It also means that when they do call unexpectedly, I will answer the phone because then I know it’s essential or an emergency,

If you are constantly phoning someone for random chats because you feel like it, they may start ignoring your calls.

Then when you do need help, they may not be there for you.

So Don’t Be That Person

Don’t be that annoying person — check before you call.

It’s the polite thing to do.

