Free Printable Symptom Tracker For New Moms With Anxiety

Are you a struggling new mom? Do you wonder whether it’s normal to feel so overwhelmed and anxious by it all?

Monika Malan
3 min readAug 12, 2022

Use this symptom tracker to keep track of your physical and emotional symptoms that may indicate you suffer from anxiety.

symptom tracker printable feature image

Why Track Your Own Symptoms?

As a new mom, I’m sure you’ve noticed that you struggle to remember everything.

This is most likely caused by sleep deprivation because, you know, you have a baby to take care of 24/7.

But the problem when you can’t remember everything is that you can’t be sure whether you should be concerned about any mental health symptoms you may have.

Sadly, studies show that 1 in 5 women with postpartum mood problems keeps quiet. 10–20% of women experience significant mood disorders after childbirth.

As a recent new mom myself, I found that when I wrote things down and kept track of what I experienced daily, I could more easily know when to be concerned or not.

Chronic Conditions Such As Anxiety Are Easily Misunderstood

Anxiety often goes unnoticed by new moms because you are simply trying to survive from day to day.

Being a mom is hard work and is likely not at all what you expected it to be. And before you know it, a few weeks have passed, and you don’t recognise yourself anymore. You feel like a wreck, you can’t sleep even when you have the time, and you constantly worry about every little thing.

I bet you also struggle to enjoy those special moments with your baby.

It is essential to realise that postpartum mental health problems such as anxiety and depression are real and are distinct from other mood disorders. But how do you know whether you suffer from it in the first place?

You can barely remember when last you showered, #amirite?

Enter The Monthly Symptom Tracker

With this symptom tracker:

  • You journal your daily symptoms.
  • Identify how severe your health symptoms are from day to day.
  • Keep track of your symptoms (physical and emotional).
  • Track trends for the month.

It’s the easiest way to know whether to be concerned about your mental health or not.

And as a bonus, you can take your symptom journal to your next doctor’s appointment. Your doctor can look at your health information alongside your symptom log. That way, you can make an informed choice about whether to take action or not.

The Deets

  • This monthly tracker template is on Google sheets but is formatted in a way that makes it printable on an A4 size paper.
  • So you decide whether to keep track physically with pen and paper or digitally on your phone (during those late nights feeding sessions).
  • Dynamic graphs will visually show whether your symptoms worsen over the month when you insert your symptoms on the Google sheet.
  • Easily copy and reuse the symptom tracker template every month you log your symptoms.
  • This printable template is for personal use, and you decide whether to share it with anyone else.

You Have To Put Yourself First For Once

The struggle to remember is real, so use this symptom tracker so you don’t have to add to your mental list of things to track.

Your mental health is essential, mama. Don’t neglect it. Who will take care of your baby when you can’t?

Click here to access your symptom tracker.


  1. Cell Press. “Postpartum depression and anxiety distinct from other mood disorders, brain studies suggest.” ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 24 January 2017.
  2. North Carolina State University. “One in five women with postpartum mood disorders keep quiet.” ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 24 August 2017.

Read this post and more on my Typeshare Social Blog

