Your Guide to Landing the Best Phone Covers for Your Device

Monique Rennie
3 min readJan 11, 2018


It is true that one of the most used smart devices today are mobile phones. The manufacturers have been coming up with a variety of devices for the satisfaction of their clients. Since these devices help us a great deal in our lives, it is important that we take very good care of them. Putting covers on mobile phones is one of the ways of taking good care of them.

The usefulness of mobile phone covers can be seen in a variety of ways. They protect our phones from breakages when they fall or are under pressure. They also give our phones the protection of damage if they get spilled with materials such as water. It is therefore, very necessary to have the best mobile phone covers for your phones. According to research, mobile phones with covers have been known to last longer and in better condition than those without. The guide to help you when purchasing a cover for your device is provided below.

The very first thing you need to know about mobile phone case before buying one for your phones is the type of cover. Screen guards, drop and shock protectors, flip cases, phone wallets and phone holsters are some of the different types of phone covers we have in the market today. The aim of having these covers on your phones is the protection of the phone’s hardware like the screen and body. It is important to know these different types of mobile phone covers and their uses when buying one for your phone.

The next thing as a phone cover buyer you need to put into consideration is the size and make of your mobile device. Specific care on the details of mobile phones are considered by manufacturers when they make covers for their phones. A cover that is not made for your phone will not fit on it. At times the wrong covers may fit on the device but cover apertures such as the camera and the flash light which are very essential. Watch this video about phone cases.

The next detail about mobile phone covers you need to be keen about when buying one is the material that has been used to make the cover. The covers can be made of material such as rubber, leather and a few are made from metallic elements. The best phone cases to protect your phone from breakages from drops are those made of rubber or leather. Those made from metallic elements are good for protection of the phone from pressure.

Lastly, consider the colour of your device when buying a cover. One is seen to be a disorderly person if they are using a phone whose cover colour does not match with that of the phone. The recommendation is that you should buy a phone cover that rhymes in color with your phone.

