Angkur; Agricultural App Case Study

Manir Zaman
4 min readJan 4, 2023



Bangladesh's economy depends heavily on agriculture for growth and stability, and more than three-quarters of rural households earn their living from agriculture. The share of agriculture in the GDP is 17.50%, and 70.10% of the land is devoted to agriculture. There are many problems in the agriculture industry, such as unfair prices, climate change, insufficient research funding, and the loss of farmland.
One of the major problems is getting quality seeds. If other things stay the same, giving farmers high-quality seeds can increase crop yields by 15–20%. In 2015–16, BADC could only meet 32% of Bangladesh's total demand for rice seeds.



Problem Statement:

There are many challenges facing Bangladesh's agriculture, but the main problem is the need for quality seeds. This is considered a hypothesis that will be validated through research.

Project Process:

Problem Understand:

I did quantitative and qualitative research to discover the core problem and its importance.

Quantitative research

A quantitative survey was taken from existing data. With the help of this survey, I understood the right users and figured out what problems they were having.

Reference :


Rice demand vs. population:

Reference :


Supply of quality seeds:

Reference :


Qualitative research

I interviewed six users in this phase, who helped us understand their pain points and frustrations.

Define & synthesize

In this part, I tried to describe real problems based on qualitative and quantitative research and user interviews. Find out where business opportunities exist and make a user persona to show a clear path to the solution.

Problem summary:

  1. Lack of quality seed.
  2. Climate change
  3. Unfair price
  4. Fertilizer locally available
  5. Loss of agricultural land
  6. Dependent on Few Crops
  7. Dependence on Nature
  8. Low Growth of Cropping Intensity
  9. Inadequate supply of agricultural equipment
  10. Don't know about scientific cultivation
  11. Adopt and learn new technologies
  12. Inadequate training facilities

Identify problems

I tried to solve six major problems I found through research. I used the problems above as a starting point.

  1. Lack of quality seed
  2. Adopt and learn new technologies
  3. Inadequate training facilities
  4. Climate change
  5. Inadequate supply of agricultural equipment
  6. Don't know about scientific cultivation

Business Opportunities

  1. Angkur will generate revenue by selling quality agricultural equipment and quality seeds.
  2. Angkur can directly assist agriculture by providing training facilities, Agri consultations, and weather updates. It can also gain farmers' trust & more users.

Users' opportunities

  1. Provide an update on the weather or create awareness about climate change.
  2. Getting quality seeds will increase their crop yield.
  3. Get trained on various agricultural topics so they can solve their related problems.
  4. They will have the opportunity to consult with an agronomist.
  5. Acquire knowledge about scientific cultivation methods and increase crop yields.
  6. Encourage yield in every space through training.
  7. They will save time if new agricultural equipment is introduced and purchased at a lower price.


  1. Buy seeds
  2. Consult With Agronomist
  3. Scientific Cultivation
  4. Weather Update
  5. Agro Instruments
  6. Training

User persona

Based on the above insights and to get a clear direction for the solution, I made two user personas.

Competitor analysis

My objective in this project phase was to understand the business and the market through competitive analysis.

User flow

Through this process, I can determine how users navigate and whether they meet their needs.
A user flow also gives me a clear idea of how a user completes a particular task. It helps me create a clear path for the user to follow.

Lo-Fidelity wireframes

To find the most effective solution, I sketched. Furthermore, it helped me understand the structure of the pages.

UI designs


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Manir Zaman

I’m a Freelance Product Designer based in Dhaka, Bangladesh. I write about product design, books, productivity & happiness.