On Token Family Trees

Monkey Capital
3 min readJul 26, 2017


Daniel Mark Harrison-

Everything correlates back to the Parent (or one day the Grandparent, or Great-grandparent) Token MNY. You either have tokens such as STRATA or Token Family Members (TFMs) = T and TFM completely. Monkey Capital only issues TFMs. ’

See — I don’t look at Crypto today and think “ooh, I would like to have a coin or token on CMC” “The diversification and quantity spread among hundreds of tokens is so enormous” So how valuable is COEVAL? or MNY? It is really impossible to say. Priceless. Really; we will have a day when an entire Coin Market Cap is ours with 900 tokens and in some way all 900 will feed into MNY and hence into the currency that produces and quotes the….The value is infinite and the value model is first-mover.

The quantity of ICOs is what is key to producing sustainable diverse value streams which will give both COEVAL and MNY value indefinitely. 100% good quality investments are the bedrock of stability financially… It is the Token Family relationship that is so vital. This is the first instance of a network and nodes effect in finance. Which is to say, all the tokens individually and collectively generate value independently for MNY and COEVAL.

It doesn’t really matter how much is raised at the ICO at all actually; optionality is only one function of COEVAL. Currency is another. As a currency for the entire Monkey Universe COEVAL is extremely precious, My estimate is about $50,000/COEVAL by the end.

Now, why would COEVAL be $50,000? Because the value of MNY is between $5-$10, easily, is the answer… So all the children pay a vig to the parent MNY using COE as tender. And COE will trade on all. Before now the whole premise of growth is that it is dillutive in nature — it always rises but it diluted in value. MNY should foster HUNDREDS of future tokens, maybe even thousands. We are talking here about an absolutely enormous level of growth and NO dilution at all.

The birthing of the Tokens has nothing to do with Token production and everything to do with how the token dividends are paid. MNY has infinite value since it receives a variable percentage of the dividends from all its “children”. This infinite value variable is what is absolutely crucial to MNY value.

So — the Embryo token … this is the “currency of the project” So, COEVAL is an Embryo Token and MNY is a Parent Token. But doesn’t COEVAL “birth” MNY in the same way MNY “births” other Child Tokens? What’s the difference between an Embryo and Parent Token then? These are reasonable questions at first glance. Let’s say MNY has 5 children by the end of next year; each of those children makes $10m and pays 50% in dividends. That’s $50m in 2018 value alone for MNY, despite being $10m value for, say, KEY token holders for example. Now let’s say in 5 years MNY has birthed 150 tokens? The birthing of the Tokens has nothing to do with Token production and everything to do with how the token dividends are paid. MNY has infinite value since it receives a variable percentage of the dividends from all its “children”. This infinite value variable is what is absolutely crucial to MNY value.

