
Mark Gladman (aka Monk In Docs)
1 min readMay 10, 2021


That three “everywhere”s is not a typo – St. Francis wants us to get that God is truly everywhere. As the essence, the creative energy, and life giving force that makes up all things, holds all things together, and sustains all things, God is truly in all places at all times. When we realise this, given the eyes to see and the ears to hear, we can have hope that God’s beauty and love can be encountered and experienced always.

And when that happens, we need never be afraid. As we come to realise that at the heart of who God is there is love and inclusion, acceptance and belonging, a place and space to be fully yourself, fully alive, and fully free, then we find very quickly that there is not much left to be afraid of.

So may the scales fall from your eyes so that you may have a beautiful encounter with the Divine; and encounter in which you feel at home and have nothing to be afraid of any more.



Mark Gladman (aka Monk In Docs)

Speaker, Writer, Thinker • De/Reconstructing Chaplain helping people de/reconstruct their view of God, faith & reality. Contemplation, Community, Theopraxy.