21 Rules for Great Programmers


Photo by Mark Tegethoff on Unsplash
  1. Write code three times.
  2. Write less amount of code
  3. Make sure others will understand your code
  4. Contribute to open source projects
  5. Read a lot of code from other more experienced developers
  6. Write a proper documentation
  7. Use a code formatter
  8. Write comments in your Pull requests
  9. Plan your work
  10. Stick at reviewing a code
  11. Use a version control system
  12. Deploy your portfolio
  13. Make your own blog
  14. Teach others
  15. Train your memory
  16. Read a lot of books
  17. Follow latest updates of technologies you use
  18. Use helpful IDE extensions
  19. Plan your path of self development
  20. Take care of your health
  21. Exercise minimum twice a week



Monodeep Mukherjee

Universe Enthusiast. Writes about Computer Science, AI, Physics, Neuroscience and Technology,Front End and Backend Development