Applications of Recommender Systems part2 (Artificial Intelligence)

Monodeep Mukherjee
3 min readNov 10, 2022


Photo by Boris Smokrovic on Unsplash

Overview Recommender Systems

  1. Using coevolution and substitution of the fittest for health and well-being recommendersystems(arXiv)

Author : Hugo Alcaraz-Herrera, John Cartlidge

Abstract : This research explores substitution of the fittest (SF), a technique designed to counteract the problem of disengagement in two-population competitive coevolutionary genetic algorithms. SF is domain-independent and requires no calibration. We first perform a controlled comparative evaluation of SF’s ability to maintain engagement and discover optimal solutions in a minimal toy domain. Experimental results demonstrate that SF is able to maintain engagement better than other techniques in the literature. We then address the more complex real-world problem of evolving recommendations for health and well-being. We introduce a coevolutionary extension of EvoRecSys, a previously published evolutionary recommender system. We demonstrate that SF is able to maintain engagement better than other techniques in the literature, and the resultant recommendations using SF are higher quality and more diverse than those produced by EvoRecSys.

2.Forget Embedding Layers: Representation Learning for Cold-start in Recommender Systems (arXiv)

Author : Kuba Weimann, Tim O. F. Conrad

Abstract : Recommender systems suffer from the cold-start problem whenever a new user joins the platform or a new item is added to the catalog. To address item cold-start, we propose to replace the embedding layer in sequential recommenders with a dynamic storage that has no learnable weights and can keep an arbitrary number of representations. In this paper, we present FELRec, a large embedding network that refines the existing representations of users and items in a recursive manner, as new information becomes available. In contrast to similar approaches, our model represents new users and items without side information or time-consuming fine-tuning. During item cold-start, our method outperforms similar method by 29.50%-47.45%. Further, our proposed model generalizes well to previously unseen datasets. The source code is publicly available at

3.Towards Robust Recommender Systems via Triple Cooperative Defense (arXiv)

Author : Qingyang Wang, Defu Lian, Chenwang Wu, Enhong Chen

Abstract : Recommender systems are often susceptible to well-crafted fake profiles, leading to biased recommendations. The wide application of recommender systems makes studying the defense against attack necessary. Among existing defense methods, data-processing-based methods inevitably exclude normal samples, while model-based methods struggle to enjoy both generalization and robustness. Considering the above limitations, we suggest integrating data processing and robust model and propose a general framework, Triple Cooperative Defense (TCD), which cooperates to improve model robustness through the co-training of three models. Specifically, in each round of training, we sequentially use the high-confidence prediction ratings (consistent ratings) of any two models as auxiliary training data for the remaining model, and the three models cooperatively improve recommendation robustness. Notably, TCD adds pseudo label data instead of deleting abnormal data, which avoids the cleaning of normal data, and the cooperative training of the three models is also beneficial to model generalization. Through extensive experiments with five poisoning attacks on three real-world datasets, the results show that the robustness improvement of TCD significantly outperforms baselines. It is worth mentioning that TCD is also beneficial for model generalizations.



Monodeep Mukherjee

Universe Enthusiast. Writes about Computer Science, AI, Physics, Neuroscience and Technology,Front End and Backend Development