Best Research on Empirical Risk Minimization part5(ML Fall’23)

Monodeep Mukherjee
2 min readOct 24, 2023
  1. On the Variance, Admissibility, and Stability of Empirical Risk Minimization(arXiv)

Author : Gil Kur, Eli Putterman, Alexander Rakhlin

Abstract : It is well known that Empirical Risk Minimization (ERM) with squared loss may attain minimax suboptimal error rates (Birgé and Massart, 1993). The key message of this paper is that, under mild assumptions, the suboptimality of ERM must be due to large bias rather than variance. More precisely, in the bias-variance decomposition of the squared error of the ERM, the variance term necessarily enjoys the minimax rate. In the case of fixed design, we provide an elementary proof of this fact using the probabilistic method. Then, we prove this result for various models in the random design setting. In addition, we provide a simple proof of Chatterjee’s admissibility theorem (Chatterjee, 2014, Theorem 1.4), which states that ERM cannot be ruled out as an optimal method, in the fixed design setting, and extend this result to the random design setting. We also show that our estimates imply stability of ERM, complementing the main result of Caponnetto and Rakhlin (2006) for non-Donsker classes. Finally, we show that for non-Donsker classes, there are functions close to the ERM, yet far from being almost-minimizers of the empirical loss, highlighting the somewhat irregular nature of the loss landscape

2.Federated Empirical Risk Minimization via Second-Order Method (arXiv)

Author : Song Bian, Zhao Song, Junze Yin

Abstract : Many convex optimization problems with important applications in machine learning are formulated as empirical risk minimization (ERM). There are several examples: linear and logistic regression, LASSO, kernel regression, quantile regression, p-norm regression, support vector machines (SVM), and mean-field variational inference. To improve data privacy, federated learning is proposed in machine learning as a framework for training deep learning models on the network edge without sharing data between participating nodes. In this work, we present an interior point method (IPM) to solve a general ERM problem under the federated learning setting. We show that the communication complexity of each iteration of our IPM is O~(d3/2), where d is the dimension (i.e., number of features) of the dataset.



Monodeep Mukherjee

Universe Enthusiast. Writes about Computer Science, AI, Physics, Neuroscience and Technology,Front End and Backend Development