How Harmonic Ocillators operate Part1(Dynamical Systems)

Monodeep Mukherjee
2 min readSep 3, 2022
Photo by Steve Harvey on Unsplash
  1. Reducibility of Quantum Harmonic Oscillator on Rd Perturbed by a Quasi-periodic Potential with Logarithmic Decay(arXiv)

Author : Zhenguo Liang, Zhiqiang Wang

Abstract : We prove the reducibility of quantum harmonic oscillators in Rd perturbed by a quasi-periodic in time potential V(x,ωt) with logarithmic decay. By a new estimate built for solving the homological equation we improve the reducibility result by Grébert-Paturel(Annales de la Faculté des sciences de Toulouse

2. Fractional Oscillator — Harmonic Oscillator with Memory Effects(arXiv)

Author : Vishwamittar, Yashika Taneja, Nipun Ahuja

Abstract : The importance of fractional time-derivative to take care of memory effects has been brought out by considering the example of a simple oscillator.

3.From the Harmonic Oscillator to Time-Frequency Analysis of Chirp Signals (arXiv)

Author : Donald J. Kouri, Caleb Broodo, Bernhard G. Bodmann, Cameron L. Williams

Abstract : This paper presents a novel approach to understanding the role of harmonic dynamics and gaining a deeper appreciation for its impact within and outside of quantum mechanics. This includes consequences of harmonic dynamics and the uncertainty principle for anomalous diffusion and for the time-frequency analysis of chirp signals. In this approach, we consider a contact transformation to view a system of canonical variables with coordinate x and momentum px in the context of a new system of “generalized” coordinates and momentum. This new system is first studied in the context of non-relativistic quantum mechanics. The classical analog is then explored by use of the Poisson bracket equation. From this, new implications are demonstrated in classical phenomena. One is for a new model of Anomalous and Normal Diffusion. In another, we introduce the concept of the “Mixed Fourier Transform” which explores a new Gaussian Fourier Transform kernel in terms of the generalized variables. This has the ultimate objective of “harmonizing” chirp signals or producing a harmonic signal from an otherwise non-harmonic chirp



Monodeep Mukherjee

Universe Enthusiast. Writes about Computer Science, AI, Physics, Neuroscience and Technology,Front End and Backend Development