How Speech Representation works part1(Machine Learning)

Monodeep Mukherjee
3 min readNov 28, 2022
Photo by LOGAN WEAVER | @LGNWVR on Unsplash
  1. VATLM: Visual-Audio-Text Pre-Training with Unified Masked Prediction for SpeechRepresentation Learning(arXiv)

Author : Qiushi Zhu, Long Zhou, Ziqiang Zhang, Shujie Liu, Binxing Jiao, Jie Zhang, Lirong Dai, Daxin Jiang, Jinyu Li, Furu Wei

Abstract : Although speech is a simple and effective way for humans to communicate with the outside world, a more realistic speech interaction contains multimodal information, e.g., vision, text. How to design a unified framework to integrate different modal information and leverage different resources (e.g., visual-audio pairs, audio-text pairs, unlabeled speech, and unlabeled text) to facilitate speech representation learning was not well explored. In this paper, we propose a unified cross-modal representation learning framework VATLM (Visual-Audio-Text Language Model). The proposed VATLM employs a unified backbone network to model the modality-independent information and utilizes three simple modality-dependent modules to preprocess visual, speech, and text inputs. In order to integrate these three modalities into one shared semantic space, VATLM is optimized with a masked prediction task of unified tokens, given by our proposed unified tokenizer. We evaluate the pre-trained VATLM on audio-visual related downstream tasks, including audio-visual speech recognition (AVSR), visual speech recognition (VSR) tasks. Results show that the proposed VATLM outperforms previous the state-of-the-art models, such as audio-visual pre-trained AV-HuBERT model, and analysis also demonstrates that VATLM is capable of aligning different modalities into the same space. To facilitate future research, we release the code and pre-trained models at

2.Improved disentangled speech representations using contrastive learning in factorized hierarchical variational autoencoder (arXiv)

Author : Yuying Xie, Thomas Arildsen, Zheng-Hua Tan

Abstract : By utilizing the fact that speaker identity and content vary on different time scales, \acrlong{fhvae} (\acrshort{fhvae}) uses a sequential latent variable and a segmental latent variable to symbolize these two attributes. Disentanglement is carried out by assuming the latent variables representing speaker and content follow sequence-dependent and sequence-independent priors. For the sequence-dependent prior, \acrshort{fhvae} assumes a Gaussian distribution with an utterance-scale varying mean and a fixed small variance. The training process promotes sequential variables getting close to the mean of its prior with small variance. However, this constraint is relatively weak. Therefore, we introduce contrastive learning in the \acrshort{fhvae} framework. The proposed method aims to make the sequential variables clustering when representing the same speaker, while distancing themselves as far as possible from those of other speakers. The structure of the framework has not been changed in the proposed method but only the training process, thus no more cost is needed during test. Voice conversion has been chosen as the application in this paper. Latent variable evaluations include speakerincrease verification and identification for the sequential latent variable, and speech recognition for the segmental latent variable. Furthermore, assessments of voice conversion performance are on the grounds of speaker verification and speech recognition experiments. Experiment results show that the proposed method improves both sequential and segmental feature extraction compared with \acrshort{fhvae}, and moderately improved voice conversion performance

3. MT4SSL: Boosting Self-Supervised Speech Representation Learning by Integrating Multiple Targets(arXiv)

Author : Ziyang Ma, Zhisheng Zhen, Changli Tang, Yujin Wang, Xie Chen

Abstract : In this paper, we provide a new perspective on self-supervised speech models from how the self-training targets are obtained. We generalize the targets extractor into Offline Targets Extractor (Off-TE) and Online Targets Extractor (On-TE), without caring about specific pretext tasks. Based on this, we propose a new multi-tasking learning framework for self-supervised learning, MT4SSL, which stands for Boosting Self-Supervised Speech Representation Learning by Integrating Multiple Targets. MT4SSL refers to two typical models, HuBERT and data2vec, which use the K-means algorithm as an Off-TE and a teacher network without gradients as an On-TE, respectively. Our model outperforms previous SSL methods by nontrivial margins on the LibriSpeech benchmark, and is comparable to or even better than the best-performing models with no need for that much data. Furthermore, we find that using both Off-TE and On-TE results in better convergence in the pre-training phase. With both effectiveness and efficiency, we think that doing multi-task learning on self-supervised speech models from our perspective is a promising trend



Monodeep Mukherjee

Universe Enthusiast. Writes about Computer Science, AI, Physics, Neuroscience and Technology,Front End and Backend Development