Latest research around Out-of-Distribution Detection part13(Machine Learning 2023)

Monodeep Mukherjee
2 min readNov 6, 2023
  1. SEE-OoD: Supervised Exploration For Enhanced Out-of-Distribution Detection(arXiv)

Author : Xiaoyang Song, Wenbo Sun, Maher Nouiehed, Raed Al Kontar, Judy Jin

Abstract : Current techniques for Out-of-Distribution (OoD) detection predominantly rely on quantifying predictive uncertainty and incorporating model regularization during the training phase, using either real or synthetic OoD samples. However, methods that utilize real OoD samples lack exploration and are prone to overfit the OoD samples at hand. Whereas synthetic samples are often generated based on features extracted from training data, rendering them less effective when the training and OoD data are highly overlapped in the feature space. In this work, we propose a Wasserstein-score-based generative adversarial training scheme to enhance OoD detection accuracy, which, for the first time, performs data augmentation and exploration simultaneously under the supervision of limited OoD samples. Specifically, the generator explores OoD spaces and generates synthetic OoD samples using feedback from the discriminator, while the discriminator exploits both the observed and synthesized samples for OoD detection using a predefined Wasserstein score. We provide theoretical guarantees that the optimal solutions of our generative scheme are statistically achievable through adversarial training in empirical settings. We then demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms state-of-the-art techniques on various computer vision datasets and exhibits superior generalizability to unseen OoD data

2. Likelihood-based Out-of-Distribution Detection with Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models(arXiv)

Author : Joseph Goodier, Neill D. F. Campbell

Abstract : Out-of-Distribution detection between dataset pairs has been extensively explored with generative models. We show that likelihood-based Out-of-Distribution detection can be extended to diffusion models by leveraging the fact that they, like other likelihood-based generative models, are dramatically affected by the input sample complexity. Currently, all Out-of-Distribution detection methods with Diffusion Models are reconstruction-based. We propose a new likelihood ratio for Out-of-Distribution detection with Deep Denoising Diffusion Models, which we call the Complexity Corrected Likelihood Ratio. Our likelihood ratio is constructed using Evidence Lower-Bound evaluations from an individual model at various noising levels. We present results that are comparable to state-of-the-art Out-of-Distribution detection methods with generative models



Monodeep Mukherjee

Universe Enthusiast. Writes about Computer Science, AI, Physics, Neuroscience and Technology,Front End and Backend Development