Latest Research on Conditional Diffusion Models part7(Machine Leanring 2024)

Monodeep Mukherjee
2 min readMay 16, 2024
  1. EucliDreamer: Fast and High-Quality Texturing for 3D Models with Depth-Conditioned Stable Diffusion(arXiv)

Authors: Cindy Le, Congrui Hetang, Chendi Lin, Ang Cao, Yihui He

Abstract: We present EucliDreamer, a simple and effective method to generate textures for 3D models given text prompts and meshes. The texture is parametrized as an implicit function on the 3D surface, which is optimized with the Score Distillation Sampling (SDS) process and differentiable rendering. To generate high-quality textures, we leverage a depth-conditioned Stable Diffusion model guided by the dept

2. Joint Conditional Diffusion Model for Image Restoration with Mixed Degradations(arXiv)

Authors: Yufeng Yue, Meng Yu, Luojie Yang, Yi Yang

Abstract: Image restoration is rather challenging in adverse weather conditions, especially when multiple degradations occur simultaneously. Blind image decomposition was proposed to tackle this issue, however, its effectiveness heavily relies on the accurate estimation of each component. Although diffusion-based models exhibit strong generative abilities in image restoration tasks, they may generate irrelevant contents when the degraded images are severely corrupted. To address these issues, we leverage physical constraints to guide the whole restoration process, where a mixed degradation model based on atmosphere scattering model is constructed. Then we formulate our Joint Conditional Diffusion Model (JCDM) by incorporating the degraded image and degradation mask to provide precise guidance. To achieve better color and detail recovery results, we further integrate a refinement network to reconstruct the restored image, where Uncertainty Estimation Block (UEB) is employed to enhance the features. Extensive experiments performed on both multi-weather and weather-specific datasets demonstrate the superiority of our method over state-of-the-art competing methods.



Monodeep Mukherjee

Universe Enthusiast. Writes about Computer Science, AI, Physics, Neuroscience and Technology,Front End and Backend Development