Machine Learning for Weather Forecasting part3

Monodeep Mukherjee
2 min readJan 8, 2023
Photo by frame harirak on Unsplash
  1. A new paradigm for medium-range severe weather forecasts: probabilistic random forest-based predictions(arXiv)

Author : Aaron J. Hill, Russ S. Schumacher, Israel Jirak

Abstract : Historical observations of severe weather and simulated severe weather environments (i.e., features) from the Global Ensemble Forecast System v12 (GEFSv12) Reforecast Dataset (GEFS/R) are used in conjunction to train and test random forest (RF) machine learning (ML) models to probabilistically forecast severe weather out to days 4–8. RFs are trained with 9 years of the GEFS/R and severe weather reports to establish statistical relationships. Feature engineering is briefly explored to examine alternative methods for gathering features around observed events, including simplifying features using spatial averaging and increasing the GEFS/R ensemble size with time-lagging. Validated RF models are tested with ~1.5 years of real-time forecast output from the operational GEFSv12 ensemble and are evaluated alongside expert human-generated outlooks from the Storm Prediction Center (SPC). Both RF-based forecasts and SPC outlooks are skillful with respect to climatology at days 4 and 5 with degrading skill thereafter. The RF-based forecasts exhibit tendencies to underforecast severe weather events, but they tend to be well-calibrated at lower probability thresholds. Spatially averaging predictors during RF training allows for prior-day thermodynamic and kinematic environments to generate skillful forecasts, while time-lagging acts to expand the forecast areas, increasing resolution but decreasing objective skill. The results highlight the utility of ML-generated products to aid SPC forecast operations into the medium range.

2.A Novel Transformer Network with Shifted Window Cross-Attention for Spatiotemporal Weather Forecasting (arXiv)

Author : Alabi Bojesomo, Hasan Al Marzouqi, Panos Liatsis

Abstract : arth Observatory is a growing research area that can capitalize on the powers of AI for short time forecasting, a Now-casting scenario. In this work, we tackle the challenge of weather forecasting using a video transformer network. Vision transformer architectures have been explored in various applications, with major constraints being the computational complexity of Attention and the data hungry training. To address these issues, we propose the use of Video Swin-Transformer, coupled with a dedicated augmentation scheme. Moreover, we employ gradual spatial reduction on the encoder side and cross-attention on the decoder. The proposed approach is tested on the Weather4Cast2021 weather forecasting challenge data, which requires the prediction of 8 hours ahead future frames (4 per hour) from an hourly weather product sequence. The dataset was normalized to 0–1 to facilitate using the evaluation metrics across different datasets. The model results in an MSE score of 0.4750 when provided with training data, and 0.4420 during transfer learning without using training data, respectively.



Monodeep Mukherjee

Universe Enthusiast. Writes about Computer Science, AI, Physics, Neuroscience and Technology,Front End and Backend Development