New applications of 3D Point Cloud part3(Machine Learning)

Monodeep Mukherjee
2 min readMar 14, 2023
  1. DANet: Density Adaptive Convolutional Network with Interactive Attention for 3D Point Clouds(arXiv)

Author : Yong He, Hongshan Yu, Zhengeng Yang, Wei Sun, Mingtao Feng, Ajmal Mian

Abstract : Local features and contextual dependencies are crucial for 3D point cloud analysis. Many works have been devoted to designing better local convolutional kernels that exploit the contextual dependencies. However, current point convolutions lack robustness to varying point cloud density. Moreover, contextual modeling is dominated by non-local or self-attention models which are computationally expensive. To solve these problems, we propose density adaptive convolution, coined DAConv. The key idea is to adaptively learn the convolutional weights from geometric connections obtained from the point density and position. To extract precise context dependencies with fewer computations, we propose an interactive attention module (IAM) that embeds spatial information into channel attention along different spatial directions. DAConv and IAM are integrated in a hierarchical network architecture to achieve local density and contextual direction-aware learning for point cloud analysis. Experiments show that DAConv is significantly more robust to point density compared to existing methods and extensive comparisons on challenging 3D point cloud datasets show that our network achieves state-of-the-art classification results of 93.6% on ModelNet40, competitive semantic segmentation results of 68.71% mIoU on S3DIS and part segmentation results of 86.7% mIoU on ShapeNet.

2.Full Point Encoding for Local Feature Aggregation in 3D Point Clouds (arXiv)

Author : Yong He, Hongshan Yu, Zhengeng Yang, Xiaoyan Liu, Wei Sun, Ajmal Mian

Abstract : Point cloud processing methods exploit local point features and global context through aggregation which does not explicity model the internal correlations between local and global features. To address this problem, we propose full point encoding which is applicable to convolution and transformer architectures. Specifically, we propose Full Point Convolution (FPConv) and Full Point Transformer (FPTransformer) architectures. The key idea is to adaptively learn the weights from local and global geometric connections, where the connections are established through local and global correlation functions respectively. FPConv and FPTransformer simultaneously model the local and global geometric relationships as well as their internal correlations, demonstrating strong generalization ability and high performance. FPConv is incorporated in classical hierarchical network architectures to achieve local and global shape-aware learning. In FPTransformer, we introduce full point position encoding in self-attention, that hierarchically encodes each point position in the global and local receptive field. We also propose a shape aware downsampling block which takes into account the local shape and the global context. Experimental comparison to existing methods on benchmark datasets show the efficacy of FPConv and FPTransformer for semantic segmentation, object detection, classification, and normal estimation tasks. In particular, we achieve state-of-the-art semantic segmentation results of 76% mIoU on S3DIS 6-fold and 72.2% on S3DIS Area5



Monodeep Mukherjee

Universe Enthusiast. Writes about Computer Science, AI, Physics, Neuroscience and Technology,Front End and Backend Development