Recent research on Feature Learning part2(AI)

Monodeep Mukherjee
1 min readJun 14, 2023
  1. Efficient Encoder-Decoder and Dual-Path Conformer for Comprehensive Feature Learning in Speech Enhancement(arXiv)

Author : Junyu Wang

Abstract : Current speech enhancement (SE) research has largely neglected channel attention and spatial attention, and encoder-decoder architecture-based networks have not adequately considered how to provide efficient inputs to the intermediate enhancement layer. To address these issues, this paper proposes a time-frequency (T-F) domain SE network (DPCFCS-Net) that incorporates improved densely connected blocks, dual-path modules, convolution-augmented transformers (conformers), channel attention, and spatial attention. Compared with previous models, our proposed model has a more efficient encoder-decoder and can learn comprehensive features. Experimental results on the VCTK+DEMAND dataset demonstrate that our method outperforms existing techniques in SE performance. Furthermore, the improved densely connected block and two dimensions attention module developed in this work are highly adaptable and easily integrated into existing networks.

2.Towards Robust Feature Learning with t-vFM Similarity for Continual Learning (arXiv)

Author : Bilan Gao, YoungBin Kim

Abstract : Continual learning has been developed using standard supervised contrastive loss from the perspective of feature learning. Due to the data imbalance during the training, there are still challenges in learning better representations. In this work, we suggest using a different similarity metric instead of cosine similarity in supervised contrastive loss in order to learn more robust representations. We validate the our method on one of the image classification datasets Seq-CIFAR-10 and the results outperform recent continual learning baselines.



Monodeep Mukherjee

Universe Enthusiast. Writes about Computer Science, AI, Physics, Neuroscience and Technology,Front End and Backend Development