Recommender Systems cant be stopped part2(Machine Learning)

Monodeep Mukherjee
3 min readApr 9, 2023


Photo by Allec Gomes on Unsplash
  1. Where to Go Next for Recommender Systems? ID- vs. Modality-based recommender models revisited (arXiv)

Author : Zheng Yuan, Fajie Yuan, Yu Song, Youhua Li, Junchen Fu, Fei Yang, Yunzhu Pan, Yongxin Ni

Abstract : Recommendation models that utilize unique identities (IDs) to represent distinct users and items have been state-of-the-art (SOTA) and dominated the recommender systems (RS) literature for over a decade. Meanwhile, the pre-trained modality encoders, such as BERT and ViT, have become increasingly powerful in modeling the raw modality features of an item, such as text and images. Given this, a natural question arises: can a purely modality-based recommendation model (MoRec) outperforms or matches a pure ID-based model (IDRec) by replacing the itemID embedding with a SOTA modality encoder? In fact, this question was answered ten years ago when IDRec beats MoRec by a strong margin in both recommendation accuracy and efficiency. We aim to revisit this `old’ question and systematically study MoRec from several aspects. Specifically, we study several sub-questions: (i) which recommendation paradigm, MoRec or IDRec, performs better in practical scenarios, especially in the general setting and warm item scenarios where IDRec has a strong advantage? does this hold for items with different modality features? (ii) can the latest technical advances from other communities (i.e., natural language processing and computer vision) translate into accuracy improvement for MoRec? (iii) how to effectively utilize item modality representation, can we use it directly or do we have to adjust it with new data? (iv) are there some key challenges for MoRec to be solved in practical applications? To answer them, we conduct rigorous experiments for item recommendations with two popular modalities, i.e., text and vision. We provide the first empirical evidence that MoRec is already comparable to its IDRec counterpart with an expensive end-to-end training method, even for warm item recommendation. Our results potentially imply that the dominance of IDRec in the RS field may be greatly challenged in the future.

2.GiveMeLabeledIssues: An Open Source Issue Recommendation System (arXiv)

Author : Joseph Vargovich, Fabio Santos, Jacob Penney, Marco A. Gerosa, Igor Steinmacher

Abstract : Developers often struggle to navigate an Open Source Software (OSS) project’s issue-tracking system and find a suitable task. Proper issue labeling can aid task selection, but current tools are limited to classifying the issues according to their type (e.g., bug, question, good first issue, feature, etc.). In contrast, this paper presents a tool (GiveMeLabeledIssues) that mines project repositories and labels issues based on the skills required to solve them. We leverage the domain of the APIs involved in the solution (e.g., User Interface (UI), Test, Databases (DB), etc.) as a proxy for the required skills. GiveMeLabeledIssues facilitates matching developers’ skills to tasks, reducing the burden on project maintainers. The tool obtained a precision of 83.9% when predicting the API domains involved in the issues. The replication package contains instructions on executing the tool and including new projects. A demo video is available at



Monodeep Mukherjee

Universe Enthusiast. Writes about Computer Science, AI, Physics, Neuroscience and Technology,Front End and Backend Development